news 2020


Materials Science

Results 1 - 20 of 29.

Physics - Materials Science - 29.12.2020
Detective work in theoretical physics
Detective work in theoretical physics
Scientific articles in the field of physics are mostly very short and deal with a very restricted topic. A remarkable exception to this is an article published recently by physicists from the Universities of Münster and Düsseldorf. The article is 127 pages long, cites a total of 1075 sources and deals with a wide range of branches of physics - from biophysics to quantum mechanics.

Physics - Materials Science - 17.12.2020
Physics breakthrough of the year
Physics breakthrough of the year
International Team is awarded the Breakthrough of the Year 2020 prize by Physics World magazine Light For the development of a light-emitting silicon alloy, researchers from TU Eindhoven, Netherlands and the University of Jena, Germany together with partners from the University of Linz and TU Munich, are today (17 December) being awarded the " Breakthrough of the Year " prize by Physics World magazine.

Life Sciences - Materials Science - 03.12.2020
Correctly Delivered and Integrated: How Proteins Find Their Place in the Cell
Correctly Delivered and Integrated: How Proteins Find Their Place in the Cell
Heidelberg Researchers determine the three-dimensional architecture of a molecular machine that inserts essential proteins into biomembranes Over a quarter of all proteins in a cell are found in the membrane, where they perform vital functions. To fulfil these roles, membrane proteins must be reliably transported from their site of production in the cell to their destination and correctly inserted into the target membrane.

Physics - Materials Science - 23.11.2020
Ultrathin nanomesh sensor to measure sense of touch
Ultrathin nanomesh sensor to measure sense of touch
World's first fingertip-mounted sensor that maintains user's sensitivity Scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the University of Tokyo have developed an ultrathin pressure sensor that can be attached directly to the skin. It can measure how fingers interact with objects to produce valuable data for technological or medical applications.

Chemistry - Materials Science - 16.11.2020
Novel glass materials made from organic and inorganic components
Novel glass materials made from organic and inorganic components
Research team from Jena and Cambridge develops glass materials with novel combinations of properties Light Linkages between organic and inorganic materials are a common phenomenon in nature, e.g., in the construction of bones and skeletal structures. They often enable combinations of properties that could not be achieved with just one type of material.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 05.11.2020
Innovative Cell Chemistry Developed for Dual-Ion Battery
Innovative Cell Chemistry Developed for Dual-Ion Battery
A long durability, low costs and high sustainability - the requirements for stationary energy storage systems, for example for wind or solar energy, are high. One promising perspective is the still young dual-ion technology. In a collaboration between Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and the MEET Battery Research Center, scientists developed a new type of dual-ion battery.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 03.11.2020
Innovative Material Concept for an Improved Silicon Anode
Innovative Material Concept for an Improved Silicon Anode
The lithium-ion battery is currently state of the art, but has not yet realised its full potential. New electrode materials such as silicon instead of pure graphite in the anode offer a significantly increased electrochemical performance. Until now, this has been at the expense of the battery's lifespan.

Physics - Materials Science - 30.10.2020
Novel Photoresist Developed
Researchers in the -3D Matter Made to Order- Cluster of Excellence expand possibilities of three-dimensional printing of the tiniest microstructures Researchers of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Heidelberg University have developed a novel photoresist for two-photon microprinting. For the first time, it can be used to produce three-dimensional microstructures with cavities in the nano-range.

Materials Science - 29.10.2020
Knowledge Modules for Battery Cells "Made in Germany"
The production of battery cells includes many consecutive process steps. There is mixing, stirring, coating, rolling, cutting and stacking. Scientists at ProZell work to improve the quality of the final product, make production more cost-effective and environmentally friendly. The competence cluster for battery cell production, in which MEET Battery Research Center of University of Münster and Helmholtz Institute Münster (HI MS) of Forschungszentrum Jülich participate, is supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

Physics - Materials Science - 07.10.2020
Intelligent nanomaterials for photonics
Intelligent nanomaterials for photonics
Physicists and chemists at the University of Jena engineer optical fibres with 2D materials Light At the latest since the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for research on graphene in 2010, 2D materials - nanosheets with atomic thickness - have been a hot topic in science. This significant interest is due to their outstanding properties, which have enormous potential for a wide variety of applications.

Chemistry - Materials Science - 25.09.2020
New storage battery more efficient and heat-resistant
New storage battery more efficient and heat-resistant
Chemists at the University of Jena develop new polymer electrolytes for redox flow batteries Light The share of energy from renewable sources is constantly on the rise in Germany. At the beginning of 2020, for the first time ever, renewable energy was able to cover more than half of the electricity consumed in Germany.

Physics - Materials Science - 24.09.2020
Revolutionizing the Cloud
Revolutionizing the Cloud
Physicists investigate the magnetization dynamic of rare earths with regard to their suitability for use in ultrafast data storage No 167/2020 from Sep 24, 2020 Researchers from Freie Universität Berlin and universities in Prague, Uppsala, and Konstanz contribute to basic understanding of the magnetization dynamic of a material with the high magnetic anisotropy that is decisive for digital data storage. Along with physicist Professor Ulrich Nowa

Physics - Materials Science - 17.09.2020
"Honey, I shrunk the detector"
Silicon chip (approx. 3 mm x 6 mm) with multiple detectors. The fine black engravings on the surface of the chip are the photonics circuits interconnecting the detectors (not visible with bare eyes). In the background a larger scale photonics circuit on a silicon wafer. Researchers have developed the world's smallest ultrasound detector Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Helmholtz Zentrum München have developed the world's smallest ultrasound detector.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 03.09.2020
New Analytical Methods for Longer-Lasting Lithium-ion Batteries
New Analytical Methods for Longer-Lasting Lithium-ion Batteries
How can the lithium-ion battery (LIB) be further improved? To answer this question, MEET scientists around Lenard Hanf developed new methods for capillary electrophoresis. For the first time, this enables a detailed analysis of the transition metal dissolution from LIB cathode materials or the current collector - such as manganese or copper.

Materials Science - Chemistry - 05.08.2020
Battery Research Centre: new international research school opened
Battery Research Centre: new international research school opened
Longer ranges for electric vehicles and the effective storage of electricity from renewable energies - these are research topics for the future which PhD students in Münster will be working on in a new international Graduate School. The research centre for "Battery Chemistry, Characterization, Analysis, Recycling and Application" (BACCARA for short) was officially opened on August 5 at the MEET Battery Research Centre at the University of Münster.

Physics - Materials Science - 29.07.2020
Tailored light inspired by nature
Tailored light inspired by nature
Researchers develop for the first time light fields using caustics that do not change during propagation / Study in "Nature Communications" Modern applications as high resolution microsopy or microor nanoscale material processing require customized laser beams that do not change during propagation. This represents an immense challenge since light typically broadens during propagation, a phenomenon known as diffraction.

Physics - Materials Science - 16.07.2020
Topological control by tuning structural chirality
Topological control by tuning structural chirality
Chiral crystals that have a distinct handedness have recently emerged as one of  the most exciting new classes of topological materials. An international research team from institutions in Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and China has now demonstrated that their crystal handedness directly determines how quasiparticles propagate and scatter at impurities in such materials.

Chemistry - Materials Science - 14.07.2020
New method enables a view inside batteries
The Solid Electrolyte Interphase (SEI) inside both lithium-ion and lithium metal batteries is indispensable for successful battery cell operation and at the same time an analytical challenge. Up to now, its analysis has only been possible to a limited extent; knowledge about formation, composition, growth or reactions is incomplete.

Physics - Materials Science - 10.07.2020
Cherned up to the maximum
In topological materials, electrons can display behaviour that is fundamentally different from that in 'conventional' matter, and the magnitude of many such 'exotic' phenomena is directly proportional to an entity known as the Chern number. New experiments establish for the first time that the theoretically predicted maximum Chern number can be reached - and controlled - in a real material.

Chemistry - Materials Science - 02.07.2020
New insights into lithium metal technology
New insights into lithium metal technology
It is one of the key technologies for high-performance batteries of the future: the lithium metal battery (LMB). Designed for instance as solid-state battery with polymer electrolyte, it promises a significantly higher energy density than the currently common lithium-ion battery (LIB). However, it is not yet fully developed for the final commercial breakthrough and is therefore currently used by only a few pilot projects.