When Serotonin Dims the Light

Life Sciences - Sep 18
Life Sciences

A serotonin specific receptor can determine how important visual stimuli are perceived. This explains the effects of certain drugs and could help in understanding psychiatric diseases.

Health - Sep 19

How mental states impact gut health

A circuit between the brain and gut influences the gut flora and thus regulates the immune system. A study has uncovered a critical brain-gut connection that links psychological states to changes in the gut microbiome, with profound implications for immune function and stress-related health conditions.

Environment - Sep 17

Pollen affects cloud formation and precipitation patterns


Pollen not only plays a role in allergies, but also influences the local weather. Especially in spring, when large amounts are released, it contributes to the formation of ice in clouds, which can increase rainfall. A recent study led by the Institute for Meteorology at Leipzig University is the first to prove this outside the laboratory.

Sanctions Lead to Higher Emigration

Social Sciences

Migration can have different causes such as military conflicts or poverty. However, there is hardly any research to date on whether international sanctions influence the decision to leave one's homeland or not. Researchers at the University of Hamburg and Trier University have now published the first statistical analysis on sanction-driven emigration in the Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.

Psychology - Sep 17

Reducing Smartphone Use Increases Work Satisfaction


People who reduce their screen time on by merely one hour a day improve both their well-being and their motivation at work.

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