news 2020
Grocery shopping and nutrition after the lockdown: less eating-out and more price awareness
How will the population accept COVID-19 tracing apps?
Root Economics - Between Do-It-Yourself Strategies and Fungal Outsourcing
Results 1 - 3 of 3.
Agronomy / Food Science - Economics - 17.09.2020

Göttingen University research team investigates behaviour and attitudes of consumers in Germany during the different phases of the coronavirus pandemic Researchers at the University of Göttingen have been conducting a nationwide consumer survey since mid-April to find out how the coronavirus pandemic is affecting shopping, eating and cooking behaviour.
Health - Economics - 28.07.2020

Research team led by the University of Göttingen analyses design and communication strategies for mass acceptance Coronavirus tracing applications for the detection of infection chains are currently being developed and made available across the world. Such contact-tracing apps are a central component of national strategies for relaxing restrictions.
Economics - Environment - 02.07.2020

International group of researchers with members from Freie Universität Berlin describes the growth strategies of plant roots. No 115/2020 from Jul 02, 2020 An international group of researchers with members from Freie Universität Berlin, the German Center for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv), and Wageningen University, among others, has been studying the complex belowground economy of roots.