Inter-university project strengthens the attractiveness of engineering training in Thuringia

Construction of a low-tech wind turbine in one of TU Ilmenau’s open worksh
Construction of a low-tech wind turbine in one of TU Ilmenau’s open workshops, which enable students to carry out practical work
Thuringia’s universities are taking an important step towards making engineering education in the state even more attractive and sustainable. The cross-university project "Thuringia Teaches and Learns Sustainably" (ThüLeNa) has set itself the goal of anchoring sustainability as a central element in engineering degree courses and thus optimally preparing students for the challenges of a rapidly changing world. The Carl Zeiss Foundation is supporting the project with funding of 2.5 million euros. The funding period extends from April 1, 2024 to December 31, 2027.

Today more than ever, sustainability is a key topic in engineering education. Thuringian universities have made significant progress in the field of sustainability in recent years. ...
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