Results 1 - 18 of 18.
Transport - 12.02.2024

Vehicles are approved for road use after they have undergone extensive road safety tests. However, suitable test and approval procedures still need to be developed for automated driving cars. In the German-Japanese research project VIVID, a research team from TU Ilmenau, together with a large project consortium, tested various scenarios in road traffic in a virtual environment and tested radar sensors to detect the surroundings.
Electroengineering - Transport - 30.11.2023

To ensure safe and efficient traffic, the various objects in road and air traffic must be able to quickly detect their spatial environment using radar and communicate with each other via radio networks. In order to investigate the radar reflection of a so-called VTOL drone (short for "Vertical Take-Off and Landing"), which can take off and land vertically without a runway, the Electronic Measurements and Signal Processing (EMS) Group at TU Ilmenau has set up a test facility at the BiRa test facility has just completed an extensive measurement campaign at the BiRa test facility.
Transport - 13.11.2023

Research for the electrification of agricultural machinery Due to their special performance requirements, trucks and agricultural machinery still do not make it easy for engineers to bring them into the electric age. Researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) are now demonstrating what a development kit for electric tractors could look like at the Agritechnica agricultural trade fair.
Transport - 14.02.2023

Prof. Darius Burschka learned it from sailors Calculate impending collisions of flying drones or cars in traffic in advance and thus avoid them: That is the goal of Darius Burschka. To do this, the professor at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) tracks every point of an image taken by the cameras of a drone in the air or a vehicle on the road.
Transport - 30.09.2022

TUM Science Magazine ,,Faszination Forschung" Mobility and goods transport have to become more climate-friendly, low-noise, low-emitting, intelligent and connected in the future. In addition, it is vital that we embed new forms of mobility into existing infrastructures and integrate them into highly livable urban design.
Transport - Computer Science - 08.09.2022

The expectations for autonomous driving are clear: "Cars have to travel safely not only at low speeds, but also in fast-moving traffic," says Jörg Schrepfer, the Head of Driving Advanced Research Germany at Valeo. For example, when objects fall off a truck, the "egocentric" perspective of a car will often be unable to detect the hazardous debris in time.
Transport - 03.08.2022
New study on expectations and reality of safe overtaking maneuvers in bicycle traffic
Subjective impressions of safety differs according to the type of road and speed limit Dangerous situations can develop when cyclists are overtaken by cars. How threatened or safe cyclists feel during an overtaking maneuver depends on the type of road. They expect to be safer on roads with a speed limit of 30 kilometers per hour (kph), as well as on living streets, bike streets, and roads with cycle lanes.
Transport - 21.07.2022

Digital data on mobility patterns in the Munich region The introduction of the nine-euro ticket led to changes in the mobility behavior of many people in the Munich region. A study conducted at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) shows that more than 20 percent of participants had not previously used public transportation and now take buses and trains.
Transport - 23.05.2022

A new study by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) will focus the future of mobility in the greater Munich metropolitan area. All residents of the city and the surrounding areas will have the opportunity to participate directly and help build an important basis for future political decisions. Online surveys conducted from June to December 2022 will capture residents' behavior relating to mobility, energy use and consumption.
Transport - 30.03.2021

AI recognizes potentially critical traffic situations seven seconds in advance A team of researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a new early warning system for vehicles that uses artificial intelligence to learn from thousands of real traffic situations. A study of the system was carried out in cooperation with the BMW Group.
Transport - 24.02.2021

Aerodynamic shape optimization for helicopter rotor heads Helicopters are to become faster, greener and quieter. An international team led by Airbus Helicopters (AH) is working on the technology to achieve these goals with the RACER demonstrator. Scientists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have designed an aerodynamically shape-optimized rotor head full fairing for the innovative RACER rotorcraft.
Life Sciences - Transport - 23.02.2021

How a single cell slime mold makes smart decisions without a central nervous system Having a memory of past events enables us to take smarter decisions about the future. Researchers at the Max-Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have now identified how the slime mold Physarum polycephalum saves memories - although it has no nervous system.
Transport - 21.01.2021

Autonomous driving will come about. But how do you make it safe for each traffic situation, what transportation infrastructure will be required, and what will be the impact of future traffic models? Under the leadership of Audi AG, the SAVeNoW consortium is running a simulation on these questions using a digital twin of the urban traffic of Ingolstadt as an example.
Transport - Environment - 27.12.2020

Students of Aerospace Engineering at the University of Stuttgart have developed and built the unmanned testing platform Aircraft for Research and Applied Science (ARAS). In the process, they designed the components for it to be able to withstand high loads. After the mechanical and electronic integration was finished, the "UAStudents Gruppe" (a compound made up of Unmanned Aerial System, another word for drone, and students) carried out extensive ground testing before the aircraft successfully took off for the first time in October.
Computer Science - Transport - 15.09.2020

Security software for autonomous vehicles Before autonomous vehicles participate in road traffic, they must demonstrate conclusively that they do not pose a danger to others. New software developed at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) prevents accidents by predicting different variants of a traffic situation every millisecond.
Transport - Innovation - 19.11.2019

Aeroelastic wing's first flight at Special Airport Oberpfaffenhofen Super-efficient wing takes off In a joint effort by the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), researchers have successfully developed new technologies for lighter aircraft wings that are still extremely stable.
Transport - 04.07.2019

At large airports the Instrument Landing System (ILS) makes it possible for commercial aircraft to land automatically with great precision. Antennas send radio signals to the autopilot to make sure it navigates to the runway safely. Procedures are also currently being developed that will allow automatic landing based on satellite navigation.
Life Sciences - Transport - 01.04.2019

Heidelberg researchers comprehensively identify the composition of transport vesicles for the first time A fundamental cellular mechanism ensures that proteins are transported to the places they are needed in the cells. So-called vesicles are responsible for that transport. Determining their composition has been difficult up to now, not least because of their short life span.