news 2020
The video referee in the spotlight
Optics and Photonics: Ideal platforms for artificial intelligence
Identifying compound classes through machine learning
Deep-learning in hospitals
3D images display plant organs down to the smallest detail
The accident preventers
"Biohackers" TV series stored on DNA
How Secure Are Machine Learning Processes?
More effective sharing of research data
Safe landings in rough seas
The university of Stuttgart will be the first European location in the IBM AI Horizons Network
Researchers develop software for drug repurposing
Predicting reaction results: Machines learn chemistry
"A rethinking in the minds of researchers is necessary": Guest comments
Computer Science
Results 1 - 17 of 17.
Computer Science - Sport - 14.12.2020

Fans are not amused about decisions made by video assistants Since the 2019/20 season, controversial referee calls in the English Premier League may be technically reviewed and, if deemed necessary, corrected. Using a Twitter analysis of 129 games in the English Premier League, a research team from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now determined how decisions made by video referees affect the mood of the fans.
Physics - Computer Science - 07.12.2020

In a recent nature perspective, international experts in the field of optical neural networks, optical deep learning and photonic computing have put their expertise together to review the path from pathbreaking optical neural networks and optical computing realizations in the past fifty years and how they advanced to photonic artificial intelligence applications.
Computer Science - Life Sciences - 25.11.2020
Analysing Plant Cells With 3D Images
A new image processing programme makes it possible to view and analyse plant cells in detail in 3D. Bioscientists and computer scientists at Heidelberg University helped to develop the open-source software called PlantSeg. It is based on methods of machine learning and can be used to study the process of morphogenesis - how the shape of plants develops - at the cellular level.
Chemistry - Computer Science - 23.11.2020

Bioinformaticians at the University of Jena develop new method for analysing metabolites Everything that lives has metabolites, produces metabolites and consumes metabolites. These molecules arise as intermediate and end products from chemical processes in an organism's metabolism. Therefore, they not only have huge significance for our lives, but they also provide valuable information about the condition of a living being or an environment.
Health - Computer Science - 17.11.2020

Novel deep learning method enables clinic-ready automated screening for diabetes-related eye disease Researchers created a novel deep learning method that makes automated screenings for eye diseases such as diabetic retinopathy more efficient. Reducing the amount of expensive annotated image data that is required for the training of the algorithm, the method is attractive for clinics.
Computer Science - Life Sciences - 29.09.2020

Intelligent software for a better understanding of plant tissue development Using artificial intelligence, researchers have developed a novel computer-based image processing method for plant sciences. The method enables the detailed 3D representation of all cells in various plant organs with unprecedented precision.
Computer Science - Transport - 15.09.2020

Security software for autonomous vehicles Before autonomous vehicles participate in road traffic, they must demonstrate conclusively that they do not pose a danger to others. New software developed at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) prevents accidents by predicting different variants of a traffic situation every millisecond.
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 01.09.2020

Genetic material as a stable storage medium "Biohackers" TV series stored on DNA The first episode of the newly released series "Biohackers" was stored in the form of synthetic DNA. This was made possible by the research of Prof. Reinhard Heckel of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and his colleague Prof. Robert Grass of ETH Zürich.
Computer Science - 13.08.2020

Participants are needed for a study being conducted by Freie Universität, the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC), the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SIT), and the National Research Center for App No 137/2020 from Aug 13, 2020 Researchers from Freie Universität, the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied and Integrated Security (AISEC), the Fraunhofer Institute for Secure Information Technology (SI
Life Sciences - Computer Science - 24.07.2020

National research data infrastructure: TUM involved in three consortia Genome sequencing produces immense quantities of data. The aim of the German Human Genome-Phenome Archive (GHGA) is to make these data available to science without violating the personality rights of patients. The GHGA will focus initially on data collections pertaining to cancer and rare genetic disorders.
Computer Science - 11.05.2020

Landing a helicopter on the deck of a ship in poor visibility is a big challenge even for the most experienced of pilots. Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have developed an assistance system that displays key information in the visor of the pilot's helmet-mounted display. This permits precise landing approaches - even in adverse weather conditions.
Computer Science - Physics - 29.04.2020
New Active Compounds from the Computer
Open-source platform "VirtualFlow" examines billions of molecules in a very short time / Joint press release issued by Freie Universität Berlin and Technische Universität Berlin No 071/2020 from Apr 29, 2020 The development of new active compounds in medicine can take many years and potentially cost billions of euros.
Computer Science - Social Sciences - 28.04.2020

The University of Stuttgart will be the first European institution to join the AI Horizons Network of IBM in order to advance AI research on the interaction of language and knowledge as part of a multi-year cooperation. The AI Horizons Network is a global network of researchers and doctoral students founded by IBM to further develop the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning, natural language processing, and related technologies in a series of research projects and experiments.
Pharmacology - Computer Science - 27.04.2020

Currently, the corona pandemic is dominating the entire social life in Germany and in many other parts of the world. We are working flat out in order to better help the more than one hundred thousand seriously ill people in hospitals. One promising approach to extending current treatment methods is to use existing and approved drugs to combat the virus.
Computer Science - Health - 24.04.2020
Encryption system for a secure contact tracing app
In the fight against Covid-19, an interdisciplinary research team at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has developed a model for a contact tracing app that protects personal data. The concept is based on an encryption process that prevents the temporary contact numbers (TCNs) of infected individuals from ending up on the phones of their contacts.
Chemistry - Computer Science - 17.03.2020

Everyday life without artificial intelligence is barely conceivable in today's world. Countless applications in areas such as autonomous driving, foreign language translations or medical diagnostics have found their way into our lives. In chemical research, too, great efforts are being made to apply artificial intelligence (AI), also known as machine learning, effectively.
Computer Science - Life Sciences - 19.02.2020

The reproducibility of research results is one of the fundamental quality criteria in science. The demand for transparency of the scientific knowledge process aims to ensure the repeatability of scientific studies or experiments. The project "Opening Reproducible Research" (o2r) of the Institute for Geoinformatics of the University of Münster and the University and State Library of Münster deals with this topic.