New Chairs for the Berlin Excellence Cluster MATH+

On October 18, 2024, the general assembly of the Berlin Cluster of Excellence MATH+ elected three new speakers: Sebastian Pokutta (TU Berlin), Claudia Schillings (FU Berlin) and Andrea Walther (Humboldt-Universität). At the same time, the general assembly said goodbye to the previous speakers Michael Hintermüller, Christof Schütte and Martin Skutella and thanked them for their excellent work in the past.

About MATH+

MATH+ includes the mathematical institutes of the FU, HU and TU Berlin as well as the Weierstrass Institute and the Zuse Institute Berlin. Following a change in the MATH+ regulations, the previous model with a speaker and two co-chairs will be replaced by a team of chairs that leads the cluster and the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS). The BMS Chairs Team consists of Gavril Farkas, Holger Reich and John M. Sullivan.