Distinguished decoding of the mind

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The Getrud Reemtsma Foundation honours brain researchers Richard Andersen and Karl Friston with the International Prize for Translational Neuroscience

Richard Andersen (left) and Karl Friston, laureates of the International Prize f
Richard Andersen (left) and Karl Friston, laureates of the International Prize for Translational Neuroscience 2024. © private/ Kate Peters

A person steers a car through city traffic using only its thoughts, machines think and learn like humans - what sounds like something out of a science fiction novel could soon become reality thanks to current research. This year, the Getrud Reemtsma Foundation is honouring two researchers for their findings on the functioning of the brain. Richard Andersen from the California Institute of Technology is investigating how the brain processes sensory information and converts it into commands for movement. His research enables people suffering from paralysis to control their environment with their thoughts. ...

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