How platelets help resolve lung inflammation

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Platelets (red) interacting with regulatory T cells (yellow) in the bacterially
Platelets (red) interacting with regulatory T cells (yellow) in the bacterially inflamed lung tissue of a mouse. Researchers examined the living tissue using confocal fluorescence microscopy. © Rossaint et al./JExpMed 2021

Scientists at the University of Münster provide new insights into interactions between platelets and white blood cells in mice / Study published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine

Treating patients with acute respiratory failure is a constant challenge in intensive care medicine. In most cases, the underlying cause is lung inflammation triggered by a bacterial infection or - more rarely, despite being frequently observed at present due to the corona pandemic - a viral infection. During the inflammation, cells of the immune system - the white blood cells - migrate to the lungs and fight the pathogens. At the same time, however, they also cause "collateral damage" in the lung tissue. ...

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