Researchers of the University of Jena involved in Citizen Science project on the Bromacker
The Tambach sandstones are covered with thin clay skins on which ripple marks, raindrop impressions, dry cracks and many traces of worms, insects and vertebrates (so-called tracking plates) are preserved. In some horizons single bones and skeletons of amphibians and reptiles can be found. Image: Christoph Heubeck/Uni Jena
In August, the BROMACKER project will launch a new type of scientific cooperation at the unique fossil site "Bromacker" in the Thuringian Forest. For the first time in more than a decade, systematic excavations and geological drillings are taking place there. But that’s not all: The goal of the cooperation is to use the "Bromacker" fossil deposit to interconnect research and knowledge transfer in such a way that the public is provided with a window on the early evolution of vertebrates on land. Over the next five years, the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin - Leibniz Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity Research, the Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha, the Friedrich Schiller University Jena and the National GeoPark Thuringia Inselsberg-Drei Gleichen will be working together to achieve this goal.
New ways of science communication
Researchers will pursue geological, taxonomic, palaeoecological and physiological questions in order to better understand in the future life at the "Bromacker" fossil site as a whole. With new ways of science communication, the public will participate in research and enter into dialogue with researchers. For example, in addition to a Bromacker Lab(oratory), there will be digital media and guided tours of the excavation site as well as insights into live preparation and live CT scanning of fossils. In the course of the project, it is planned that citizen scientists will have the opportunity to participate in research tasks.
"Research is more exciting than any blockbuster. We open up research and establish contact with researchers: not only when the research is finished, but already during the first excavation. The Bromacker site is an immeasurable treasure of millions of years old, early land vertebrates, which is now finally being brought out of its Sleeping Beauty slumber for the general public," says Johannes Vogel, Director General at the Museum of Natural History Berlin. "As a research museum, we are pushing the opening up of science further with our future plan and want to learn from people. Please support us, join us."
Three-dimensional fossils
"The Bromacker site is unique in the world in terms of first-class preserved three-dimensional vertebrate fossils and an extraordinarily large diversity of species in the early Permian, about 290 million years ago. The excavations and state-of-the-art research approaches will provide valuable insights into the palaeobiology and ecology of early terrestrial vertebrates and their environment," says Jörg Fröbisch, Professor of Palaeobiology and Evolution and Project Manager at the museum in Berlin. "We want to find out how the evolution of stable ecosystems works. Of particular interest is the evolution of the earliest herbivores and the subsequent evolution of the trophic pyramid with many herbivores at the base and few top predators, i.e. carnivores, at the top."
"Our aim is to reconstruct the habitat of these reptiles and their food as well as the prevailing climate in this area, which is characterised by rivers, swamps and lakes, in three dimensions," says Christoph Heubeck from the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. "Geological studies by our staff and students at the numerous outcrops in the area, detailed mapping, several shallow drillings in the vicinity of the fossil-bearing quarries and a deep geological drilling in the centre of the sedimentary basin will contribute to this. We also intend to present the results in a three-dimensional, interactive computer model", explains the Jena geologist.
Science communication of the future
"For the first time, this project combines the research fields of natural science and knowledge transfer on an equal footing. The project has the potential to become an exemplary approach both nationally and internationally: For more dialogue about research," says Tobias Pfeifer-Helke, Director of the Stiftung Schloss Friedenstein Gotha, whose collections include the fossils of the twelve species of land vertebrates discovered in the fossil site to date.
"Directly in the Thuringian excavation site, a visitor platform is planned from which the public can follow the work of the paleontologists during events and guided tours and get an authentic view of the jobs in one of the world’s most important fossil sites," says Syliva Reyer-Rohde, head of the management office of the National GeoPark Thuringia Inselsberg-Drei Gleichen.