Climate science & communication: ’Knowledge is not enough!’’

How can we communicate climate science effectively and make a difference? Join the Circle U. debate on 25 August, 4pm!

Droughts, storms, heat waves, melting glaciers and rising sea-levels: We’re in trouble and have all the science to prove it. But is knowledge enough? How can we communicate climate science effectively and make a difference? And how can universities truly become drivers of sustainability?


  • Nathalie Blanc, director of Centre des Politiques de la Terre,
  • Sara Schurmann, freelance journalist and co-founder of the Climate Journalism Network Germany,
  • Prof. Klaus Eisenack of Humboldt-Universität’s IRI THESys research institute and inventor of the game KEEP COOL, 
  • Vero Pinzger of student-led initiative Nachhaltigkeitsbüro.

The discussion will be moderated by Prof. Anne Enderwitz.


Panel: ,,Knowledge is not enough!’"

Thursday, August, 25 4 to 5.30
HU Lecture hall 1072, HU Main building or via live stream