news 2017
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Career - Economics - 20.06.2017

Campus news Hire acquaintances or a grueling recruiting campaign: How do start-ups find their first employees' What makes them attractive when they can't offer much in terms of pay' Does a start-up boss have to hold an impassioned speech at least once every week?
Architecture - Economics - 10.05.2017

Research news Architecture clearly reflects societal developments. Prof. Stephan Trüby explains in an interview how financial markets influence the shape of bank buildings and what the impact of digitalization on individual architectural elements is. As a professor for Architectural and Cultural Theory, can you tell us about the relationship between these two fields? Stephan Trüby: Architecture is probably the most complex cultural technology that humankind has produced.
Economics - Career - 09.03.2017

Research news The symptoms of ADHD foster important traits associated with entrepreneurship. That conclusion was reached in a study conducted by an international team of economists, who found that entrepreneurs with ADHD embrace new experiences and demonstrate passion and persistence. Their intuitive decision making in situations involving uncertainty was seen by the researchers as a reason for reassessing existing economic models.
Economics - Physics - 09.02.2017

Campus news Three teams received the TUM IdeAward last night for their business ideas: a new method for synthesizing peptides, a disposable sample holder which speeds up laboratory work and an electric car for rural regions in Africa. The competition is intended to motivate scientists to turn their inventions into marketable products.