news 2017



Results 1 - 3 of 3.

Career - Economics - 20.06.2017
Watching cities grow
Watching cities grow
Campus news Hire acquaintances or a grueling recruiting campaign: How do start-ups find their first employees' What makes them attractive when they can't offer much in terms of pay' Does a start-up boss have to hold an impassioned speech at least once every week?

Economics - Career - 09.03.2017
Harnessing ADHD for business success
Harnessing ADHD for business success
Research news The symptoms of ADHD foster important traits associated with entrepreneurship. That conclusion was reached in a study conducted by an international team of economists, who found that entrepreneurs with ADHD embrace new experiences and demonstrate passion and persistence. Their intuitive decision making in situations involving uncertainty was seen by the researchers as a reason for reassessing existing economic models.

Career - Social Sciences - 03.03.2017
Defying the skills shortage with family-friendly HR policies: The Family-Friendly HR Policy Research Centre at Münster University publishes a study on family-friendly measures at Münster University Hospital
The Family-Friendly HR Policy Research Centre at Münster University publishes a study on family-friendly measures at Münster University Hospital Can family-friendly measures undertaken by companies can be innovative and, at the same time, a worthwhile social investment? This is the question asked in a study just published entitled "Balancing career and family with the audit berufundfamilie programme - a case study at Münster University Hospital".