news 2016
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Interdisciplinary / All Categories - History / Archeology - 15.11.2016
New Research Training Group in Interdisciplinary American Studies
Heidelberg University has acquired a new research training group in the field of interdisciplinary American studies. The German Research Foundation has approved a grant application worth 3.5 million euros. The group, focusing on 'Authority and Trust in American Culture, Society, History and Politics', is based at the Heidelberg Center for American Studies (HCA) and rests on the shoulders of ten researchers from different disciplines including geography, history, linguistics, literature, political science, and cultural and religious studies.
Physics - History / Archeology - 07.09.2016
293 from Sep 07, 2016 "Chronoi" - New Einstein Centre for Ancient Studies to Deal with Time and Awareness of Time Einstein Foundation Berlin Announced Support for Cross-institutional Centre as of 2018
Einstein Foundation Berlin Announced Support for Cross-institutional Centre as of 2018 ' 293/2016 from Sep 07, 2016 The Einstein Foundation Berlin has announced that it will be funding the first Einstein Centre devoted to the humanities as of 2018 in Berlin. The new Einstein Centre will be called Chronoi and will build on the unique cross-institutional cooperation that exists within ancient studies research in Berlin.
History / Archeology - 27.05.2016
No 181 from May 27, 2016 Global Intellectual History - Transfer, Circulation of Ideas, and Actors in the 18th to 20th Centuries German Research Foundation Funds New Research Training Group at Freie Universität Berlin
German Research Foundation Funds New Research Training Group at Freie Universität Berlin No 181/2016 from May 27, 2016 The German Research Foundation (DFG) has agreed to fund the establishment of a new Research Training Group at Freie Universität Berlin. Within the new group, entitled Global "Intellectual History - Transfer, Circulation of Ideas, Major Players (18th to 20th Centuries)," scholars will address intellectual responses to integration processes, the emergence of cross-border claims, and the universalization of ideas, as well as counter-movements.