Weed Control: Moving Away From Glyphosate

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The project participants next to the rail vehicle on the Miljoenelijn railroad l
The project participants next to the rail vehicle on the Miljoenelijn railroad line near Vetschau, close to the Dutch border. Photo Andreas Schmitter

RWTH has been exploring alternatives to the use of herbicides on railroad tracks - first results were now presented in a live demonstration.

On behalf of the German Center for Rail Transport Research (DZFS) at the German Federal Railway Authority, the Institute for Rail Vehicles and Transport Systems (IfS) and the Institute of Plant Physiology (iPP) at RWTH have been researching alternatives to the use of plant toxins such as glyphosate on railway tracks. And the researchers succeeded in their endeavors - the team presented a combination of three different methods on Thursday morning.

The test vehicle clatters, hisses, and rattles as it travels along the tracks at speeds of up to 20 kilometers per hour. ...

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