University of Bonn prominently represented in ’Highly Cited Researchers 2023’ ranking

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Symbolic photo - Large amounts of data were analyzed for the ’Highly Cited
Symbolic photo - Large amounts of data were analyzed for the ’Highly Cited Researchers’. © Photo: Volker Lannert/Uni Bonn all images in original size .
With a total of 11 researchers, the University of Bonn is represented this year in the international ranking "Highly Cited Researchers". According to the creators of the ranking, the individuals on this list of "Highly Cited Researchers" are among the world’s most influential one percent of their field.

The benchmark is the frequency with which their scientific publications were cited by other researchers in the past decade (period from 2012t o 2022). The ranking is published annually by the "Web of Science Group" and includes around 7,100 scientists from 67 different countries.

The most cited researchers at the University of Bonn are:

Andrea Ablasser, Immunology
Thomas Bieber, Cross-Field
Frank Ewert, Agricultural Science
Stefan Grimme, Chemistry
Norbert Langer, Astronomy
Doreen Muth, Cross-Field
Matin Qaim, Cross-Field
Andreas Schlitzer, Cross-Field
Jonathan L. Schmid-Burgk, Cross-Field

Furthermore, the most cited researchers include two more scientists who are primarily affiliated with other institutions but academically linked to the University of Bonn:

Frank Neese, Chemistry, Max Planck Society
Joachim L. Schultze, Cross-Field, German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE)

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