From the winter semester 2024/25, the Technische Universität Ilmenau will be offering the new international artificial intelligence (AI) degree course "Communications and Signal Processing" together with the Université de Lorraine in Nancy. With the knowledge in communication technology and signal processing, which is acquired partly at the German and partly at the French university, the students complete the English-language engineering Master’s course with a recognized double degree, which qualifies them perfectly for the European science and job market. Information:
The TU Ilmenau offers students of the Master’s program Communications and Signal Processing (CSP) program a top-level education in wireless communication and signal processing. The Université de Lorraine in Nancy brings remarkable mathematical and systems engineering expertise to the program.
Students of the CSP program at TU Ilmenau can opt for the double degree program after the first semester. In the second semester, students from Nancy come to Ilmenau and attend lectures such as "Advanced Mobile Communication Networks" or "Antenna Engineering". Parallel to their studies, the Ilmenau students can prepare for their own stay abroad in France and, if necessary, take language courses. In the third semester, all students are in Nancy and attend lectures on the Master’s degree course "Ingénierie des Systčmes Complexes", for example "Green IT", "Detection, Estimation, Reconstruction" and "Numerical Optimization and Data Science". The Master’s thesis in the fourth semester can be completed either in Nancy or in Ilmenau and is supervised by professors from both universities.
All lectures in Ilmenau and Nancy are held exclusively in English. During their studies, students from both countries can take a foreign language course in German or French. After completing their studies, they receive degrees from both universities. With such a double degree, graduates have the best prerequisites for a career in an international company or in science in Europe and worldwide.
In addition to an academic education at the highest level, students from both countries also gain deep insights into the scientific community and European culture. As the double degree program is funded by the Franco-German University, students receive a financial mobility grant for their stay abroad and, if they meet the requirements, they can also apply for an Erasmus+ scholarship and BaföG abroad.