Status: 6 June 2023
Hannover Medical School (MHH) mourns the loss of Egbert Trowe. He died on May 31, 2023, at the age of 78. Mr. Trowe himself received a liver transplant in 2002 due to viral hepatitis and since then advocated for organ donation and cared for patients waiting for an organ. "Egbert Trowe has dedicated himself wholeheartedly to the topic of organ donation and the care of people before and after organ transplantation. We are very grateful to him for this. Our sympathies go out to the relatives," says Michael Manns.Egbert Trowe was very active in numerous committees. Shortly before his death, he participated online as a board member of the association Lebertransplantierte Deutschland e.V.in a board meeting and the planning round for Organ Donation Day. He was also a member of the board of trustees of the German Foundation for Organ Transplantation, a member of the board of trustees and foundation board of the German Liver Foundation, and a topic-related patient representative on the Federal Joint Committee. In addition, he was a patient representative of the RESIST cluster of excellence as well as a member of the patient advisory board of the MHH Transplant Center, a member of the Hanover Admissions Committee at the Lower Saxony KV, and a member of the Lower Saxony Organ Donation Network.
Text: Bettina Bandel