Support program for women with a non-academic background - TUM

Call for applications: TUM’s new Agnes Mackensen Program starts in October

Support for woman students and scientists with a non-academic background

Social origin is still a major determining factor in university studies. Only 27% of young people raised in non-academic homes study at university, while the same figure for people who do have an academic background is almost three times as high. In addition, the situation of women at technical universities is traditionally very difficult. The objective of the new Agnes Mackensen Program at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) is to break down these barriers and to foster enthusiasm among more women for university education in STEM subjects.

The program is intended for women and FINTA* individuals, providing them with mentors who help them find their way through the university experience and move their careers ahead. In addition, workshops are provided which lay the foundations for later positions as entrepreneurs, scientists or managers. TUM intends the program to increase innovation potentials in science, business and society. The program is named after Agnes Mackensen, the first woman to study at TUM, who earned her university degree in 1915 and is thus TUM’s first female graduate - she too did not have an academic family background.

Senior Vice President for Talent Management & Diversity, Prof. Claudia Peus, calls on young people in the target groups to apply for the program: "We cannot simply accept the fact that so many talented individuals are currently still not able to unleash their full individual potential. The social divide in the German educational system is unfortunately very large, and both those affected and we as a society suffer greatly because of it. We at TUM are therefore taking up the task and working to tangibly improve the situation."