Statement Issued by Freie Universität Berlin on the Campus Occupation on May 7, 2024

- EN - DE

Approximately sixty to eighty people set up a protest camp in one of the courtyards on Freie Universität Berlin’s campus on Tuesday, May 7. The participants tried to enter university rooms and lecture halls over the course of the morning with the intention of occupying them. They also called on other students and professors to participate. According to information provided by the group, participants include students from different Berlin universities and colleges as well as other individuals. The group issued demands, but refused to negotiate in writing.

Freie Universität Berlin informed the police and ordered an evacuation of the camp for 11:00 a.m. on the same day (May 7, 2024). "This kind of protest is not dialogue oriented. An occupation of university property is not acceptable. We welcome academic debate and dialogue - but not in this form," said Professor Günter M. Ziegler, president of Freie Universität Berlin.

There was property damage. Freie Universität Berlin filed criminal complaints. Teaching activities in the Rostlaube, Silberlaube, and Holzlaube buildings were called off for the rest of the day. The cafeteria and libraries in these buildings were also shut down.

The Latin words veritas, justitia, and libertas, which frame the seal of Freie Universität Berlin, stand for the values that have defined the academic ethos of Freie Universität since its founding in December 1948.