On March 6, 35 international scientists set off on a special research trip. With the research vessel "Sonne" they set off from Cape Town in South Africa into the Indian Ocean to study the submarine uplift "Marion Rise" on the so-called Southwest Indian Ridge. Also on board are four researchers from the Institute of Mineralogy at University of Münster.
The expedition will be led by Jürgen Koepke from the Leibniz University of Hannover. The aim of the expedition is to find out how the Marion Rise was formed - a tectonic uplift under the sea surface south-east of South Africa, which even reaches the surface in the form of Marion Island. The uplift is related to the Southwest Indian Ridge that occurs there due to the drifting apart of the African and Antarctic continental plates. ...
Start des Sommersemesters an der Universität Münster auf den 20. April verschoben