"Schafkopfen" with TUM

The highest trump card: TUM President Wolfgang A. Herrmann and his
The highest trump card: TUM President Wolfgang A. Herrmann and his "Schafkopf"-portrait. (Photo: Andreas Heddergott)

"Wer spuit?" "I spui mit da Schell’nsau!" The TUM’s own deck of cards for "Schafkopf" is perfect for a "Sauspiel" or for solo-games. What’s special about it is that the trump-cards - the "Ober" and "Unter" - are adorned by the faces of our President, the Chancellor, and the Vices.

Fine outline-work: The "Oide" is - of course - TUM President Prof. Wolfgang A. Herrmann, and the "Blaue Ober" is... you’d really like to know, wouldn’t you?

The beautiful motifs were designed by the design agency ediundsepp, including the four "Sauen" (German for "sows") showing the Thiersch Tower, the "Goldener Engel", the maypole, and the faculty logos - as well as the relief "Scientiis et artibus".

You can purchase the little masterpiece at the MaiTUM festival in Garching on May 3 and 4 - and, after that, in the TUM Shop .