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Research Management

Results 251 - 300 of 419.

Research Management - 20.07.2022
Research Data at a Glance
Research Data at a Glance

Environment - Research Management - 13.07.2022
New Research project: Warning system for dangerous heavy rain and flash floods
AVOSS links weather data with relevant hydrological information such as current soil moisture and terrain slope In recent years, there have been repeated flash floods in Germany, some with devastating effects, which have been triggered by localized heavy rainfall.

Career - Research Management - 07.07.2022
¤3.5 Million for the Humanities at Universität Hamburg
¤3.5 Million for the Humanities at Universität Hamburg

Research Management - 06.07.2022
Help Shape Research Topics
Researchers, Students, and Young People from Berlin Collaborate to Identify Topics for the Next Grand Challenge of the Berlin University / Joint press release of Freie Universität, Humboldt-Universit

Research Management - Social Sciences - 05.07.2022
Colonial heritage in knowledge production
Colonial heritage in knowledge production
Anthropologist Paul Basu is the new Hertz Professor for Global Heritage at the University of Bonn The University of Bonn has once again received excellent reinforcement.

Computer Science - Research Management - 30.06.2022
Two new research units on artificial intelligence
German Research Foundation funds projects at the University of Bonn to the tune of millions of euros Artificial intelligence (AI) is getting a boost: the German Research Foundation (DFG) is funding a total of eight new AI research units with a total of 31.4 million euros.

Research Management - 22.06.2022
University of Bonn Secures Top Positions Once Again
University of Bonn Secures Top Positions Once Again
Leiden Ranking 2022 is published The latest rankings produced by the Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands has reaffirmed the outstanding aca

Research Management - 21.06.2022
Excellent scores for Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz in the 2022 U-Multirank

Research Management - 20.06.2022
LMU once again excellently placed in the NATURE Index
LMU once again excellently placed in the NATURE Index

Research Management - 10.06.2022
University Ranking: Heidelberg Among ’Top Three’ in Germany

Research Management - Campus - 09.06.2022
TUM keeps streak alive as best German university
TUM keeps streak alive as best German university

Research Management - History / Archeology - 03.06.2022
QS Rankings by Subject: Outstanding Performance by Ruperto Carola in Multiple Disciplines

Research Management - Earth Sciences - 31.05.2022
Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems
German Research Foundation Extends Funding for Collaborative Research Center at Freie Universität Berlin The collaborative research center CRC 1114: Scaling Cascades in Complex Systems based at Freie Universität Berlin has received a funding extension of four years.

Life Sciences - Research Management - 27.05.2022
New research alliance studies the biology of immune cells
New research alliance studies the biology of immune cells
A new boost for top-level research: the German Research Foundation (DFG) is setting up a new Collaborative Research Centre/Transregio (CRC/TRR) at the University of Münster. The research alliance, entitled "Neutrophils: Origin, Fate & Function" will be devoted to conducting research into special cells in the immune system.

Research Management - Innovation - 11.05.2022
TUM ranks 18th in training digital skills
TUM ranks 18th in training digital skills

Research Management - Innovation - 09.05.2022
Una Europa Welcomes Two New Members

Research Management - 06.05.2022
Top marks for the University of Göttingen
Top marks for the University of Göttingen

Research Management - Health - 04.05.2022
Chemistry Professor Rainer Haag Honored with ERC Advanced Grant from the European Research Council

Campus - Research Management - 03.05.2022
CHE Ranking 2022 honors research strengths in electrical engineering and information technology and psychology

Earth Sciences - Research Management - 02.05.2022
ERC Advanced Grant of the European Research Council for Geochemist Friedhelm von Blanckenburg

Innovation - Research Management - 28.04.2022
TUM defends first-place worldwide ranking for Innovation
TUM defends first-place worldwide ranking for Innovation

Career - Research Management - 28.04.2022
Multi-million euro grants from Brussels

Research Management - 28.04.2022
'Who, if not colleagues, should help?'
’Who, if not colleagues, should help?’

Research Management - Career - 26.04.2022
EU Research Council awards ’Advanced Grant’ to Lydia Sorokin and Christian Weinheimer
Biochemist Prof. Lydia Sorokin and particle physicist Prof. Christian Weinheimer from the University of Münster have each received one of the coveted Advanced Grants awarded by the European Research Council (ERC).

Research Management - Astronomy / Space - 26.04.2022
Three cutting-edge research projects to receive EU funding

Career - Research Management - 26.04.2022
Two new ERC Advanced Grants
Two new ERC Advanced Grants
The University of Stuttgart is scoring with projects in the social sciences and at the interface between biomechanics and simulation science In the latest tender round of the European Research Counci

Health - Research Management - 26.04.2022
New invisibility cloak for therapeutics: Holger Frey receives ERC Advanced Grant to support his innovative research
New invisibility cloak for therapeutics: Holger Frey receives ERC Advanced Grant to support his innovative research
Future process aims at preserving the advantages of PEGylation for the use in nanomedicine while avoiding recognition of the new PEG structures by the immune system Since the first PEGylated drug was

Environment - Research Management - 13.04.2022
German Research Foundation has approved a new research unit dedicated to soil ecology
German Research Foundation has approved a new research unit dedicated to soil ecology
Team led by Friederike Lang is researching the functioning and vulnerability of the forest floor In contrast to arable soils, forest soils are not mechanically mixed. As a result leaf and needle litter, brushwood and seeds accumulate on the surface and form a unique zone of transition between the fresh biomass and the mineral soil, which is called the forest floor.

Research Management - 06.04.2022
TUM among top 25 in five subjects
TUM among top 25 in five subjects

Research Management - 01.04.2022
Funding for Open Access publications

Health - Research Management - 29.03.2022
ERC Grant for Alexander Westermann
ERC Grant for Alexander Westermann

Research Management - Computer Science - 24.03.2022
ATTENTION project to improve road safety
Researchers from the University of Stuttgart and other institutions are collaborating on an applied research project designed to make automated road traffic safer for vulnerable road users.

Research Management - 18.03.2022
Commitment to research data management
German research alliances have emphasized the importance of research data and software for their research processes.

Physics - Research Management - 17.03.2022
Research funding for photonic quantum chips
Research funding for photonic quantum chips

Social Sciences - Research Management - 17.03.2022
A new look at life in the diaspora
A new look at life in the diaspora

Chemistry - Research Management - 17.03.2022
Three ERC Grants for the University of Bonn at once
Three ERC Grants for the University of Bonn at once

Research Management - 20.01.2022
Strong Subjects in the THE Ranking by Subject

Research Management - 18.01.2022
Researchers at the University of Stuttgart influence vibrations in technical systems

Research Management - 17.01.2022
Franz Liszt digital
Franz Liszt digital
German Research Foundation funds long-term project to establish a catalogue of sources and works by the composer A long-term project under the leadership of Christiane Wiesenfeldt from Heidelberg Uni

Research Management - Career - 11.01.2022
European Research Council awards Ilya Kupenko with 'Starting Grant
European Research Council awards Ilya Kupenko with ’Starting Grant

Research Management - 11.01.2022
’Jugend forscht’ | Register now!

Chemistry - Research Management - 10.01.2022
The path to clean catalysis
The path to clean catalysis

Career - Research Management - 10.01.2022
Two ERC Starting Grants for UoC researchers

Life Sciences - Research Management - 10.12.2021
Variability in Brain Development
German Research Foundation Approves Funding for Research Unit at the Institute of Biology at Freie Universität Berlin / Partnership with Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz / Extended Funding for an

Health - Research Management - 23.11.2021
Hannover Medical School scientists highly regarded
Hannover Medical School scientists highly regarded

Health - Research Management - 18.11.2021
Universität Heidelberg with Nine ’Highly Cited Researchers’
International evaluation names researchers whose publications have been most cited worldwide Nine researchers from Heidelberg University feature on the list of "Highly Cited Researchers" that has just appeared.

Research Management - 16.11.2021
The most cited researchers worldwide
The most cited researchers worldwide

Research Management - Health - 16.11.2021
Highly Cited Researchers
Highly Cited Researchers

Campus - Research Management - 12.11.2021
’Six Universities - One Vision’

Research Management - Campus - 11.11.2021
Second Funding Period for Research Training Group in Interdisciplinary American Studies