RateX: TUM team wins a Bell Labs Prize

Photo: Denise Panyik-Dale/Alcatel-Lucent
Photo: Denise Panyik-Dale/Alcatel-Lucent

Three young researchers from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have won a prestigious Bell Labs Prize, tied for third place in a global competition in information and technology. They showed how a single type of transceiver could be used across the full range of digital systems, ensuring in each instance that its transmission rate will approach the theoretical limit. Their method could enhance flexibility and reduce costs in the engineering of wireless, wireline, optical fiber, and satellite systems.

Dr. Georg Böcherer is a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at TUM; Patrick Schulte and Fabian Steiner are doctoral candidates who began working with Böcherer as master’s students. ...
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