The global challenges facing us today are also topics this summer semester: The online lecture series on protecting and sustainably exploiting our oceans and coastal regions, for example, will be looking at new findings from the research mission sustainMare run by the Deutsche Allianz Meeresforschung. The lecture -Katalyse-Grüner Wird’s Nicht- will focus on the manifold aspects of catalysis as an energy-saving model of chemical reactions in nature, technology, medicine, and everyday life.
There will be 2 lecture series on the topic of school instruction: -Beobachten im Deutschunterricht der Grundschule- will look at the major qualities of good German lessons. -Judentum und religiöse Vielfalt im Religionsunterricht- will focus on religious differences and interreligious skills.
The following lecture series will focus on historical perspectives: -80 Jahre, Operation Gomorrha. Erinnerungsund Gedenkkulturen in Hamburg im Wandel- takes a critical look at the various ways this catastrophic event and its sociopolitical consequences has been understood. The series is being organized jointly with the St. Nikolai memorial. The lecture -Aufbrüche in der Pädagogik- will illuminate educational concepts in Europe after 1945. -Let-s Talk About Sex- from the Research Center for Contemporary History in Hamburg (FZH) looks at the contemporary history of sexuality. The lecture series -100 Jahre Republik Türkei-Eine Aktuelle Bilanz- takes an interdisciplinary approach to central topics in Turkey’s 100-year history.
The lecture series -Wie Weiter?- scrutinizes, in the face of multiple crises, the topic of -crisis- as an epistemological problem and thus as a challenge for academia and society, while interdisciplinary working and thinking will be made palpable in the Liberal Arts and Sciences series.
The lectures generally take place in the evening. The lectures are designed for the lay person and can be attended individually or as a series. In Summer Semester 2023, Universität Hamburg is offering the lectures primarily in person, but there are also online lectures and Lecture2Go video recordings.