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Results 1 - 50 of 70.

Psychology - Social Sciences - 19.12.2024
Long-term psychological study: Kids or no kids - men and women are equally satisfied across almost the entire lifespan
Having children makes people happy, especially women - this is a common societal belief. But how do mental health, well-being and feelings of loneliness change in parents compared to women and men without children over the life course?

Psychology - 08.11.2024
Oath against tax evasion
Oath against tax evasion
Have you ever been dishonest on your tax return in order to pay less tax' Would a written -oath of honestythat you had to sign have stopped you' Yes, that is likely, says a group of more than 40 international scientists who analyzed this phenomenon in a mega-study with over 21,000 participants.

Psychology - 11.10.2024
How Do We Recognize Other People's Emotions?
How Do We Recognize Other People’s Emotions?
While facial expressions do play an important role, they are not the only crucial factor. A person's facial expression provides crucial information for us to recognize their emotions.

Environment - Psychology - 07.10.2024
'Concern can provide the energy needed to tackle the problem'
’Concern can provide the energy needed to tackle the problem’
Climate researcher Prof. Lisa Schipper explains in the Nature Climate Change commentary why science also needs emotions "It's really difficult and depressing to keep reading and researching ab

Innovation - Psychology - 07.10.2024
Our Lives in the Mirror of Our Data
Never before have people recorded more information about their lives than today. Researchers from Würzburg and Tübingen are investigating the positive and negative consequences this could have.

Health - Psychology - 26.09.2024
Help for mentally distressed young people
Help for mentally distressed young people

Health - Psychology - 19.09.2024
Help for mentally harassed young people
Help for mentally harassed young people

Psychology - Politics - 31.07.2024
Psychology of Right-Wing Radicalization
Psychology of Right-Wing Radicalization
The results of the last European elections clearly showed that right-wing parties are on the rise. They made gains in numerous EU member states.

Pedagogy - Psychology - 04.06.2024
’Cooperative Learning and Using Complex Instruction in Heterogeneous Classrooms’

Health - Psychology - 17.05.2024
Can oxytocin help against loneliness?
Can oxytocin help against loneliness?
Loneliness is not a disease. And yet it is a significant health problem. Depression, heart disease or dementia - people who are permanently lonely have a higher risk of becoming ill. The team led by Jana Lieberz from the University Hospital Bonn (UKB), who also conducts research at the University of Bonn, and Dirk Scheele (Ruhr University Bochum) have investigated how loneliness can be specifically combated.

Psychology - Health - 14.05.2024
Social online training helps against loneliness and depression
Online intervention helps to promote social skills and reduce mental health problems Mental health problems, loneliness already among the youngest and polarization are rapidly increasing, especially after the Covid19 pandemic.

Psychology - 03.05.2024
A sympathetic ear for caring relatives
A sympathetic ear for caring relatives

Psychology - Social Sciences - 24.04.2024
A strong personality helps with saying no
A strong personality helps with saying no
Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Published: Drugs will not solve any problems - as simple as this realization sounds, many people find it difficult to embrace.

Psychology - Health - 22.04.2024
’HumanKind’: Exploring children’s psychodiversity, strengthen their emotional intelligence
Some children are particularly brave, others very compassionate. And then there are the temperamental ones - all with their own unique strengths.

Health - Psychology - 19.04.2024
Mental Health of Children and Young People: New Prevention Center Opened
Mental Health of Children and Young People: New Prevention Center Opened

Psychology - 20.03.2024
Motivated Supervision Increases Motivation when Writing a Thesis
Motivated Supervision Increases Motivation when Writing a Thesis
What influence do supervisors have on the motivation of students working on their thesis? And what effect does grade pressure have? Psychologists at the University of Würzburg investigated in a study. Students working on their Bachelor's or Master's thesis usually have supervisors at their side who guide, accompany and possibly also correct them during this time.

Campus - Psychology - 29.01.2024
Dr Leon Li joins Leipzig University to research unethical behaviour

Pedagogy - Psychology - 21.12.2023
Pupils who get good grades are usually also popular
Stereotypes about unpopular swots are persistent - not least because of their often-clichéd depiction in the media.

Psychology - 23.11.2023
Living alone doesn't have to mean being lonely
Living alone doesn’t have to mean being lonely
Around 20 per cent of all Germans live alone - and the number is increasing. This trend can also be observed in most other Western countries. However, contrary to prevailing prejudices, living alone does not necessarily mean isolation and loneliness. This is what psychologists at Friedrich Schiller University Jena have discovered in a study on.

Health - Psychology - 21.09.2023
Exercise Therapy to Treat Depression - Program of a University of Potsdam Study to Be Recommended for Statutory Health Insurance Coverage for the First Time
Exercise Therapy to Treat Depression - Program of a University of Potsdam Study to Be Recommended for Statutory Health Insurance Coverage for the First Time
There will be a new treatment option for people suffering from mild to moderate depression in the future.

Campus - Psychology - 19.09.2023
New Vice President at the University of Jena
New Vice President at the University of Jena

Life Sciences - Psychology - 19.09.2023
How the brain of left-handers processes stress
How the brain of left-handers processes stress

Health - Psychology - 13.09.2023
Psychiatric advance directives have more advantages than disadvantages
Psychiatric advance directives have more advantages than disadvantages
Psychiatric advance directives do, of course, carry risks; but these risks can be minimized. Researchers describe the relevant options in a series of high-profile publications. While advance directives are quite common for patients with physical impairments, advance directives for people with mental impairments are controversial.

Psychology - Event - 06.07.2023
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for Marcella Woud
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for Marcella Woud

Psychology - Health - 05.07.2023
EUR 4.5 Million for Research Unit on Learning Processes and Psychological Health
EUR 4.5 Million for Research Unit on Learning Processes and Psychological Health
The world is changing quickly and we need to keep learning in order to adapt to new conditions. A new research group headed by Tania Lincoln is looking at how these learning processes can fail and what the consequences are for our psychological health.

Psychology - Environment - 22.06.2023
The Influence of Climate Change on the Syrian Civil War and Cognitive Affective Maps as a Method
The Influence of Climate Change on the Syrian Civil War and Cognitive Affective Maps as a Method

Psychology - 20.04.2023
Psychologist Philipp Schäpers researches business start-ups
Psychologist Philipp Schäpers researches business start-ups

Health - Psychology - 18.04.2023
Psychotherapy study: Researchers seek a way out of chronic depression
Psychotherapy study: Researchers seek a way out of chronic depression
The multicentre ChangePDD project compares the effectiveness of two different therapies. MHH Psychiatry is involved and offers places for study participants.

Health - Psychology - 22.03.2023
Against anxiety, stress and memory problems - hypnosis in therapy

Psychology - 14.03.2023
Mindsets can influence the course of childbirth
Mindsets can influence the course of childbirth

Psychology - 14.02.2023
Counselling Services and Psychological Support

Life Sciences - Psychology - 13.02.2023
Faces of the University of Leipzig: Gesa Hartwigsen
Faces of the University of Leipzig: Gesa Hartwigsen

Psychology - 06.02.2023
Artificial Intelligence from a Psychologist's Point of View
Artificial Intelligence from a Psychologist’s Point of View
Researchers test cognitive abilities of the language model GPT-3 Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics in Tübingen have examined the general intelligence of the language model GPT-3, a powerful AI tool.

Physics - Psychology - 22.11.2022
Two ERC Starting Grants awarded to University of Freiburg

Psychology - 04.11.2022
Humboldt Research Award for Lucy O'Brien
Humboldt Research Award for Lucy O’Brien

Health - Psychology - 28.07.2022
Psychological strain and eating habits in the pandemic
Survey: 35 percent report weight gain since the beginning of the Corona pandemic Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have investigated possible changes in adult dietary habits and body weight after more than two years of pandemic.

Psychology - Campus - 31.05.2022
From Würzburg to the world
From Würzburg to the world

Campus - Psychology - 21.04.2022
Change in Leadership at Universität Hamburg: Hauke Heeren Becomes President
Change in Leadership at Universität Hamburg: Hauke Heeren Becomes President

Psychology - Social Sciences - 04.04.2022
Millionaires more risk-tolerant and emotionally stable
Millionaires more risk-tolerant and emotionally stable
According to a study by researchers from the Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin) and the University of Münster, millionaires are more risk-tolerant, emotionally stable, open, extroverted, and conscientious than the general population.

Psychology - Social Sciences - 18.01.2022
How we understand causality
How we understand causality
German Research Foundation funds Reinhart Koselleck project in Cognitive Science at the University of Göttingen How people acquire and use knowledge about causal relationships is the focus of a new project at the Georg Elias Müller Institute of Psychology at the University of Göttingen.

Campus - Psychology - 03.01.2022
'Appropriate pay for graduates'
’Appropriate pay for graduates’

Health - Psychology - 15.12.2021
Masks Activate Corona Fear
Masks Activate Corona Fear
12/15/2021 Seeing masked people can activate pre-existing fear of coronavirus infection. A more positive image for masks could remedy the situation.

Psychology - 14.12.2021
Worldwide study on the individual use of Corona
Worldwide study on the individual use of Corona
The lives of millions of people worldwide have been profoundly changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. And all of us have found different ways of dealing with these changes. But how can such differences be explained? And which strategies for coping with the COVID-19 crisis are most beneficial to whom? The global scale "Coping with Corona" project (CoCo), organised by the the University of Münster, aims to answer these and other questions.

Health - Psychology - 09.12.2021
The long-term effects of sepsis: years of treatment and care needs
The long-term effects of sepsis: years of treatment and care needs
Three in four sepsis survivors experience new-onset memory problems, psychological impairments or physical diagnoses. This also applies to more than half of sepsis survivors under the age of 40 at the time of their discharge from hospital. These are just two of the findings of a retrospective analysis of anonymized health claims data conducted by a team of researchers from Jena University Hospital, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the Research Institute of the Local Health Care Funds (AOK).

Psychology - Event - 19.11.2021
Prize for Jan De Houwer

Campus - Psychology - 01.11.2021
Universität Hamburg elects Heekeren as new president
Universität Hamburg elects Heekeren as new president

Psychology - Health - 27.08.2021
First aid for mental health problems
Working in science can lead to a high level of psychological stress. A large study from Belgium, for example, showed that the risk of doctoral researchers developing depression or other mental illnesses is significantly increased.

Psychology - 09.08.2021
'Body language has an enormous influence on our perceptions of people': Münster University psychologist Simon Breil researches into how much is revealed by non-verbal features such as gestures and facial expressions
’Body language has an enormous influence on our perceptions of people’: Münster University psychologist Simon Breil researches into how much is revealed by non-verbal features such as gestures and facial expressions
Münster University psychologist Simon Breil researches into how much is revealed by non-verbal features such as gestures and facial expressions First impressions count: a smile on the lips, or dynamic gestures, have a positive effect on the way people's personalities are judged.

Psychology - Economics - 08.07.2021
Do I Buy or Not?
Do I Buy or Not?
Würzburg psychologists have studied the phenomenon of impulse buying behaviour. People who focus on enjoyment act differently than people who play it safe.

Social Sciences - Psychology - 11.06.2021
'I want to be part of scientific progress'
’I want to be part of scientific progress’