wire - news in brief
Results 101 - 150 of 447.
Physics - 30.11.2023
Göttingen University’s Humboldt Research Award winner
Physics - Health - 29.11.2023

Höhere Strukturen, Modulräume und Integrabilität-this is the title of a new collaborative research center at Universität Hamburg.
Chemistry - Physics - 24.11.2023

Researchers from the Faculty of Science at the University of Potsdam submitted two successful proposals for Collaborative Research Centers to the German Research Foundation (DFG).
Physics - Research Management - 24.11.2023

Researchers investigate quantum systems.
Physics - Computer Science - 23.11.2023

Physicist Elena Hassinger has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for her research on superconductors.
Research Management - Physics - 22.11.2023

Physics - 22.11.2023

Physics - Computer Science - 17.11.2023

Interview with quantum physicist Prof. Andreas Reiserer Researchers around the world are working on a network which could connect quantum computers with one another over long distances.
Physics - Health - 16.11.2023
Award for high-resolution microscopy method
Physics - 01.11.2023

Physics - 25.10.2023

Giorgio Sangiovanni is an expert in the computer-aided calculation of quantum materials. He heads a new chair in physics that is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of Science with 1.5 million euros.
Physics - Innovation - 25.10.2023

Operational start-up ceremony held at the University of Bonn Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (FTD) New high-tech measurement methods are required to detect new phenomena sought after in particle physics. The University of Bonn Research and Technology Center for Detector Physics (FTD), thanks to its research groups, is a leading developer of such detector technology, employed at research institutions around the world.
Physics - 18.10.2023
The sound of a city or city noise? Potentials of acoustic monitoring to increase the quality of life
Physics - Innovation - 16.10.2023

Whether at the dentist or orthopedist: X-ray examinations are among the most common diagnostic procedures.
Environment - Physics - 04.10.2023

In a large-scale collaborative research project, 13 German universities, including the Technische Universität Ilmenau and the German Aerospace Center, are designing innovative battery storage systems for integrating renewable energy sources into future energy supply systems.
Physics - Computer Science - 27.09.2023

NewIn: Barbara Kraus In the this episode of our "New In" series, we introduce Prof. Barbara Kraus.
Physics - Computer Science - 27.09.2023

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 19.09.2023

Physics - Event - 15.09.2023

Physics - Electroengineering - 12.09.2023

Materials that can conduct electricity without resistance and thus without loss - so-called superconductors - promise a wide range of modern applications - from nuclear spin tomographs to high-precisi
Physics - Computer Science - 07.09.2023

A team of five, headed by quantum physicist Professor Ronny Thomale of the Würzburg-Dresden Cluster of Excellence ct.qmat, secured second place in the international IBM Quantum Open Science Prize.
Chemistry - Physics - 05.09.2023

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 30.08.2023

Physics - Innovation - 11.08.2023

Originally developed for research applications, the technology is also of interest to industry. Clara Saraceno plans to bring a new kind of laser to the market with a grant from the European Research Council.
Physics - Computer Science - 03.08.2023

NewIn: Lukas Heinrich What moves our newly appointed professors? What fields does their research impact and what are they particularly looking forward to at TUM? You'll find out about all that and more in our "NewIn" series. In the this episode we meet Lukas Heinrich. As Professor for Data Science in Physics he develops methods which help discover new elementary particles based on enormous amounts of data.
Innovation - Physics - 28.07.2023

Physics - 28.07.2023

Physics - Astronomy / Space - 25.07.2023

Physics - 25.07.2023

Colorful images from the microscopic world of basic research require a close second look: Universität Hamburg's Cluster of Excellence CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter is hosting the Arts and Science exhibition, 4-24 April 2023 at Hamburg's city hall.
Life Sciences - Physics - 17.07.2023

The ordered areas of proteins are readily studied. Consequently, a great deal is known about the role of these areas in the biological function of the respective proteins.
Physics - 10.07.2023

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 01.07.2023

German research institutes participating at the forefront of dark matter and dark energy research The European Space Agency's Euclid space telescope was launched into space today at 17:11 CEST on a Falcon 9 rocket from the U.S. space company SpaceX.
Chemistry - Physics - 28.06.2023
Advancing quantum technology with spintronics
Physics - Chemistry - 27.06.2023

Whether photovoltaics, geothermal energy, electrolysis for water splitting or a self-built wind turbine: At a four-day Science Camp at the TU Ilmenau, 20 students from the national Excellence School Network MINT-EC dealt with various aspects of energy supply from June 19 to 22. In small groups and supported by staff and student tutors, they explored from various technical perspectives how we can use our energy resources optimally and responsibly in the future.
Mathematics - Physics - 22.06.2023

Astronomy / Space - Physics - 22.06.2023

Physics - Campus - 15.06.2023

"Something with quanta!" - on September 25, the Physics Summer 2023 will start at the Technische Universität Ilmenau.
Physics - Innovation - 06.06.2023

Chemistry - Physics - 06.06.2023

Physics - Chemistry - 06.06.2023

Chemistry - Physics - 19.05.2023

Chemistry and physics research team investigates hyperpolarization to improve molecular diagnostics Multi-million funding for joint Collaborative Research Centre of Leipzig University and Chemnitz Uni
Materials Science - Physics - 19.05.2023
Specially coated titanium reduces risk of clots on prostheses
Around 25,000 artificial heart valves are implanted in Germany per year because the original heart valve is damaged, for example, by an infection.
Physics - Art and Design - 12.05.2023

Physics - 12.05.2023

Physicist Christian Klein-Bösing about the collaboration at CERN, one of the world's largest research centres.
Physics - Architecture - 10.05.2023

In the Center for Soft Nanoscience physicists, chemists, biologists and physicians research together under one roof It is bright, functional and interdisciplinary: the Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN) at the University of Münster is a high-tech research building for the nano-sciences.
Physics - Mathematics - 09.05.2023

Chemistry - Physics - 09.05.2023

Physics - Chemistry - 08.05.2023
New Research Training Group in Materials Science
DFG allocates approximately 7.4 million euros to fund joint Research Training Group with University of Stuttgart A new Research Training Group (RTG) in materials science is to be established at Heidelberg University.
Health - Physics - 05.05.2023

European Research Council is supporting the journey from basic research to application Two researchers from the University of Bonn have been awarded a Proof of Concept Grant by the European Research
Physics - 05.05.2023

Michael te Vrugt is a physicist and a philosopher - and he is currently writing his second PhD It is a Tuesday evening in late April, and Room 102 at the Volkshochschule (Adult Education Institute) in Vagedesstraße in the small town of Ahaus, 50 km from Münster, is filling up.