wire - news in brief
Results 101 - 150 of 166.
Computer Science - Pedagogy - 18.05.2022
TUM succeeds in program for young Artificial Intelligence talents
Pedagogy - 29.04.2022
Students at the Fore
Pedagogy - 25.04.2022
Strengthening digit@Le teaching
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 28.03.2022
’Being young in an ageing society means growing up among contradictions’
Pedagogy - 02.03.2022
Computer games in the classroom: educational success depends on the teacher
Pedagogy - Event - 27.01.2022
School girls are coding computer games to help people
Pedagogy - 05.01.2022
New Spokesperson
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 22.11.2021
’Releasing Pressure’
Pedagogy - Sport - 29.10.2021
Students support swimming lessons
Pedagogy - 13.10.2021
Encouragement for Student Research Projects
Berlin University Alliance is funding research projects conducted by students and junior researchers The Student Research Opportunities Program x (StuROP x ) of the Berlin University Alliance (BUA) is making it easier for students to participate in research early on in their studies.
Campus - Pedagogy - 12.10.2021
Welcome (back) to the Humboldt-Universität
Campus - Pedagogy - 06.09.2021
Between hope and reservations: Study on what students expect of remote learning
At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching and learning at German brick-and-mortar universities shifted to virtual formats practically overnight.
Campus - Pedagogy - 16.07.2021
Teaching excellence even in a pandemic
Innovation - Pedagogy - 06.07.2021
’Learning - the path to future opportunity’
Pedagogy - Career - 06.07.2021
Learning to brew: course for professionals
Pedagogy - 16.06.2021
Together for Fundamental University Values
Pedagogy - Health - 15.06.2021
The virtual classroom
Educational scientists at Friedrich Schiller University Jena are working on a new project studying how virtual reality can enrich teacher training - and thus also enhance teaching in schools.
Environment - Pedagogy - 15.06.2021
’Learning to take responsibility for the future’: How can education be made sustainable? - A guest commentary by Christian Fischer
In view of current social developments and global challenges - for example, climate change and world health - education for sustainable development (ESD) is becoming increasingly important.
Pedagogy - Social Sciences - 10.06.2021
How parents influence their children’s school performance
Pedagogy - Innovation - 27.05.2021
Further development of hybrid teaching and digital university didactics
Pedagogy - Social Sciences - 20.04.2021
"New Fathers" with more Time for their Children?
Innovation - Pedagogy - 22.03.2021
New education for the digital transformation
Pedagogy - 19.03.2021
Learning counseling - the next workshop dates are available now
Environment - Pedagogy - 12.03.2021
Children’s workshops beat the drum for more sustainability
Campus - Pedagogy - 02.03.2021
Kick-off for the EU project "POWERst"
Pedagogy - 26.02.2021
Holiday care for school children 2021
Pedagogy - Event - 18.11.2020
Professional School of Education (PSE) awarded project funding for the "digital.macht.schule"
Pedagogy - Social Sciences - 22.10.2020
Well informed, less involved
PISA study surveys youth on global and intercultural topics Germany's youth feel well informed about global issues such as poverty and climate change, feel qualified to judge such topics and they also indicate respect for people from other cultures.
Pedagogy - Campus - 30.09.2020
Klaus Tschira Stiftung to Build AudimaX for the University
Pedagogy - Environment - 09.09.2020
4EU+ Drives forward Development of Innovative Teaching and Learning Formats
Pedagogy - Linguistics / Literature - 26.08.2020
Learning languages without lessons or teachers
Pedagogy - 25.08.2020
Giving a name to forgotten Nazi victims
In working on individual cases, the researchers use the so-called Children's Register in the International Tracing Service set up by the Allies in 1948.
Pedagogy - 21.07.2020
TU9 calls for 500 million euros in digital pact for higher education
Pedagogy - Innovation - 16.07.2020
TU9 demands 500 million euros for digital teaching pact
Pedagogy - Campus - 12.07.2020
Online expert discussion "Five years since the teacher training reforms - a provisional assessment"
Health - Pedagogy - 08.07.2020
Effects of Covid-19 on children
Pedagogy - Computer Science - 26.06.2020
Equal opportunities through digital teaching
Career - Pedagogy - 15.05.2020
Individual challenges and opportunities
Pedagogy - 05.05.2020
Learning workshop during the corona lockdown
Pedagogy - 04.05.2020
Parents Do Research for Science
Pedagogy - Career - 02.05.2020
How are cultural values effectively conveyed?
Pedagogy - 23.04.2020
The future of digital studies has arrived
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 15.04.2020
Between science and society: teaching intercultural competence
Pedagogy - Pharmacology - 30.03.2020
Working together to promote digital learning
Social Sciences - Pedagogy - 16.01.2020
Attentiveness and trust are especially effective in combating juvenile crime
Although coming from a disadvantaged background, experiencing violence within the family, having a negative school environment or consuming violent media such as films and computer games have little or no direct influence on potential criminal behaviour among adolescents and young adults.
Pedagogy - 03.12.2019
PISA Study: Good results in reading
15-year-olds perform at high levels in reading, mathematics and natural sciences 15-year-old secondary school students in Germany are good at comprehending, using and evaluating texts.
Campus - Pedagogy - 25.11.2019
Internationalisation of Teacher Training
Linguistics / Literature - Pedagogy - 21.11.2019
How Do Linguistic Similarities between Languages Affect Learning a Foreign Language?
Researchers from Freie Universität Berlin, University of Rochester, and Radboud University Nijmegen publish findings.
Innovation - Pedagogy - 14.10.2019
Wanted! Innovative ideas for teacher training
Pedagogy - Event - 25.06.2019
Bringing school to the university: 10 years of TUM-Kolleg