"I am looking forward to a constructive exchange with my colleagues in the Bioeconomy Advisory Board and hope that we can now quickly use the spirit of optimism of this moment to develop concrete proposals," said Ralf Pude, Professor of INRES - Renewable Resources and Scientific Director of the Klein-Altendorf Campus at the University of Bonn, after being presented with the certificate of appointment by NRW Climate Protection Minister Mona Neubaur.
For Monika Hartmann, Head of the Chair of Market Research in the Agricultural and Food Industry at the University of Bonn, it is now particularly important to promote dialog within society and bring together the views of different interest groups to develop good solutions. "We are delighted that politicians are emphasizing the importance of a sustainable bio-economy by setting up the first council in NRW," emphasizes Hartmann.

The government of North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) assembled a Bioeconomy Advisory Board to strengthen the state as a center for the bioeconomy and undertake a comprehensive analysis of the opportunities and risks. The independent body of 15 experts from the fields of industry, academia and civil society includes not one but two specialists from the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Bonn among its members: Professor Monika Hartmann and Professor Ralf Pude.
More about the Bioeconomy Council NRW