New issue of the ’ Faszination Forschung’ magazine

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Das Titelbild dieser Ausgabe ist eine KI-generierte, abstrakte Darstellung der K
Das Titelbild dieser Ausgabe ist eine KI-generierte, abstrakte Darstellung der Kreislaufwirtschaft. Es zeigt fiktive Komponenten aus industriellen Prozessen, die fotorealistisch umgesetzt wurden

"Faszination Forschung" Magazine no. 30

Circular Economy: Too good to go

Circular strategies are intended to create sustainable material and product cycles. Multidisciplinary research groups are developing solutions for the automotive industry. Also in this issue: How Close is the Point of No Return? limatic changes often build up continuously for years, leading to a tipping point that may be irreversible. And: AI systems in medicine must be particularly trustworthy. Patient data can be reliably protected when training algorithms.

How Close is the Point of No Return?

Climate models can show how climatic changes often build up continuously for years, leading to a tipping point that may be irreversible. ...

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