New editors wanted

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The opposites of fire and water:
The opposites of fire and water: "Synthesis" is the motto of the new fatum-magazine. (Photo: Jonny Lindner)

Synthesis is a fundamental principle of our life. But in what contexts does synthesis lead to something that is meaningful and valuable? And, generally, is "no synthesis" possible at all - or is there something in the way of "anti-synthesis"- The current issue of fatum addresses these and other questions.

The magazine, which is published twice a year, is made by students of the Master’s course "Philosophy of Science and Technology". It focuses on current developments at the interface between the natural sciences, technology, the humanities, and social sciences.

The new edition: Synthesis

Everywhere, everything is about being interconnected, mixed, intertwined, networked, or dependent on something else - from the smallest elementary particles to neighboring and remote gene complexes in cells, to humans, technologies, knowledge, opinions, and communication systems.
The essays, reports, and literary pieces on the topic "Synthesis" were provided by TUM students and lecturers as well as by guest authors from all over the world.

The TUM’s philosophy magazine, initiated by students

Fatum is published at the Chair of Philosophy and Philosophy of Science - every six months and with a current circulation of 1,500 pieces - in the highest quality: for the last edition, the editorial team was awarded with the TUM’s Karl Max von Bauernfeind Medal.
The magazine will be available (free of charge) at the Carl von Linde Akademie (TUM Main Campus). In addition, the magazine will also be available at several TUM libraries and other institutions, and the current issue can also be viewed online: fatum-magazine online .
The editorial board appreciates feedback regarding the magazine and welcomes students, especially from the natural sciences and engineering sciences, who would like to join the team.