New Dates for Public Lectures

Photo: Universität Hamburg / Feuerböther At his public lecture at the floating c
Photo: Universität Hamburg / Feuerböther At his public lecture at the floating crane in Summer 2022, University president Hauke Heekeren talked about the way we make decisions.
Floating crane, circus tent, botanical gardens- these are just some of the more unusual places that researchers from Universität Hamburg give public talks. Their lectures target the lay public and focus on their exciting, important research. Topics include, for example, the effects of climate change or the question as to how people make decisions. The next lecture takes place on Tuesday, 13 June 2023 with Laura Marie Edinger-Schons in the -Schanzenzelt.-

Leave the ivory tower and head towards the city: in a casual atmosphere, researchers provide insight into new scientific findings and explain the everyday significance of their research. At the end, visitors have an opportunity to ask questions and discuss. The next 2 lectures will be held in the Schanzenzelt and the Loki Schmidt Garden respectively.

Marie Edinger-Schons in the Schanzenzelt

What does sustainability have to do with donuts? In her public lecture, Edinger-Schons will be taking a look at the role of corporations when it comes to sustainability. Edinger-Schons, the University’s chief sustainability officer, will also be taking a critical look at current sustainability strategies. At the end, she and listeners will think about how corporations can make sustainability more transparent.

The lecture will be held at 7 pm on 13 June 2023 in the Schanzenzelt (Schanzenpark).


Anne van Aaken in the Loki Schmidt Garden

At the Loki-Schmidt Garden, legal scholar Anna van Aaken will be asking to what extent knowledge about human behavior can be gained from the way countries approach human rights treaties and what makes it more likely that a country will cooperate.

The lecture will take place at 7 pm on Thursday, 28 June 2023, in the Loki Schmidt Garden (greenhouses, Café Palme, Ohnhorststraße, across from the Klein Flottbek train station).


There are also several more public lectures ahead:
  • Tuesday, 4 July 2023 (7 pm), Dr. Delf Rothe: Talk on climate change, peace, and security
  • Tuesday, 11 July 2023 (7 pm), Norbert Fischer: The Ohlsdorf cemetery as an urban landscape of memory
  • Wednesday, 9 August 2023 (7 pm), Kai-Uwe Schnapp: The difficulties of democratic decision-making (and why patients are not always to blame)
  • Tuesday, 15 August 2023 (7 pm), Jan Recker: Digitalization and sustainability-are they both possible?

The lectures generally last about one hour and are free, although you need to sign up. The Joachim Herz Stiftung supports the public lectures. See­issen-fuer­-alle/vorl­esung-fuer­-alle.html