New Alexander von Humboldt Professor: Mathematician Daniel Král to join Leipzig University

Mathematik  Daniel Král kann mit der Alexander von Humboldt-Professur an die Uni
Mathematik Daniel Král kann mit der Alexander von Humboldt-Professur an die Universität Leipzig wechseln. Foto: Irina Matusevic (Instagram: @inem_photography)

Leipzig University has once again succeeded in attracting an Alexander von Humboldt Professorship, endowed with 3.5 million euros. It was supported by the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences in Leipzig. Germany’s most valuable research prize will be awarded to the internationally renowned mathematician Daniel Král, who will move from Masaryk University in Brno (Czech Republic) to Leipzig once he has successfully concluded his appointment negotiations with Leipzig University. One of the University’s aims in appointing the 46-year-old is to expand its expertise in the field of discrete mathematics.

"It goes without saying that we are delighted at this fantastic news from the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. ...

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