Most international universities 2024

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The University of Freiburg is one of the hundred most international universities in the world

The "Most international universities 2024" ranking has been published. It is based on data from the "World University Rankings 2024" published by Times Higher Education (THE) last September. The internationality of the universities is assessed based on the proportion of international students ("international student score"), the proportion of international staff ("international staff score"), international co-authorships ("international co-authorship score") and international reputation ("international reputation metrics"). The indicators were each weighted at 25 percent.

The University of Freiburg is one of the 100 most international universities and, as in the previous year, was ranked 98th. The University of Freiburg also scored well at national level with its internationality. Like last year, it is ranked 8th among German universities.

About "Most international universities 2024" please visit Most international universities in the world 2024