Mental Health of Children and Young People: New Prevention Center Opened

Handing over the keys for the opening of the DZPP with (from left) Thomas Jansin
Handing over the keys for the opening of the DZPP with (from left) Thomas Jansing (Sternstunden), Tobias Bansen and Franziska Klemm (KKH), Marcel Romanos (DZPP), Tim J. von Oertzen (UKW), Arne Bürger (DZPP) and Uwe Klug (JMU). (Image: Gunnar Bartsch / Universität Würzburg)
Mental disorders are widespread in Germany. The German Center for Prevention Research in Mental Health is working to reduce their prevalence. The center has now been officially opened.

With a ceremony, a scientific lecture program and numerous guests from science and politics, the German Center for Prevention Research in Mental Health (DZPP) officially celebrated its opening on Friday, April 19, 2024. The new building on the campus of the University of Würzburg offers scientists the opportunity to develop and test prevention programs in interdisciplinary working groups that aim to prevent mental illness in children and adolescents. ...
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