Memories of Escape, Migration, and Exile in Video Interviews with Eyewitnesses from the Nazi Period

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International Summer School on Digital Interview Collections at Freie Universität Berlin from July 24 to 31, 2019 / Application deadline: May 19, 2019

No 110/2019 from Apr 26, 2019

A summer school at Freie Universität Berlin from July 24 to 31, 2019, will address migration stories in the context of National Socialism. The focus will be on academic work using oral history, a method of historical research based on biographical video interviews with eyewitnesses. The summer school, part of Freie Universität’s alumni program, is being supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It is open to individuals from abroad who have spent one or more semesters studying or doing research at a German university. Applications are being accepted online until May 19: https://ssl2.cms.fu-berl­­fu/summer_­schools/su­mmer_schoo­l_2019/PM_­bewerbungs­formular/i­ndex.html. Freie Universität will cover participation and accommodation costs. Partial reimbursement for travel expenses is also available. The seminars will be held in German, and a very good working knowledge of German is necessary to participate. The summer school is being organized by the Center for Digital Systems at Freie Universität.

One particular focus will be on how mainstream societies react to and interact with migrants and refugees. The program includes a trip to the Ravensbrück Memorial Site.

The summer school will take an interdisciplinary approach. It was designed not only for historians, but also scholars from the fields of literature, education, Jewish studies, anthropology, psychology, and political and social sciences. It may also be of interest to museum staff as well as anyone working on the history of National Socialism in research or educational contexts.