International Conference on ’Commodore 64’

A special conference will be held on this iconic home computer from over 40 years ago at the University of Bonn on July 5-6.

Computer archaeologist  Stefan Höltgen - amidst Commodore 64 home computers-the
Computer archaeologist Stefan Höltgen - amidst Commodore 64 home computers-the subject of an international conference at the University of Bonn. © Photo: Volker Lannert/University of Bonn all’images in original size .
The 8-bit Commodore 64 home computer-affectionately known by its fans as the "bread box" because of its shape-came out in 1982 and is one of the best-selling computing platforms in IT history. The Commodore’s impact on pop culture, technological development and computer science education lives on in the present day. The University of Bonn’s Media Studies section will be hosting an international conference to discuss the past, present and future of the Commodore 64, on Friday and Saturday, July 5-6. ...
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