Humboldt Foundation appoints Daniel B. Werz as Humboldt scouting sponsor for early career researchers

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Daniel B. Werz. Photo: private
Daniel B. Werz. Photo: private

Support for scientists in early career phases: The Alexander von Humboldt Foundation’s Henriette Herz Scouting Programme invites international researchers to conduct joint research projects in Germany. As a scout, Daniel B. Werz from the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Freiburg now has the opportunity to bring three excellent scientists in the early stages of their careers to Freiburg, funded by the Humboldt Foundation.

Werz has held one of the chairs of organic chemistry at the University of Freiburg since 2022 and is a member of the Cluster of Excellence Living, Adaptive and Energy-autonomous Materials Systems (livMatS) .

"With this programme, we are breaking new ground in the field of international early career advancement. In contrast to selection through a lengthy application process, which discourages many potential applicants at the initial stage, it is now up to the relevant scout to identify highly qualified researchers and attract them to Germany as a centre of research. The lengthy review process is therefore no longer necessary. I also see this nomination as a Humboldt Scout as recognition of my many and very fruitful international collaborations," explains Werz.

In addition to Daniel B. Werz, the Humboldt Foundation selected 14 other researchers throughout Germany at the end of 2023 to strengthen international networking as scouts within the Henriette Herz Programme.

The Henriette Herz Scouting Programme:

With the Henriette Herz Scouting Programme, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation is opening up another route to the Humboldt Research Fellowship. A new, active recruitment process enables successful researchers in Germany to actively approach highly sought-after international researchers from abroad who have not previously applied to the Foundation and invite them to carry out joint research projects at their institutions. In this way, the programme will attract new professional and regional cooperation partners to Germany. At the same time, the proportion of women sponsored in the Humboldt Research Fellowship Programme is to be increased.

The Humboldt Foundation would like to utilise the knowledge, international connections and commitment of selected researchers in Germany to attract these talented scientists from abroad, whose doctorates must not date back more than 12 years, for research stays: Every year, around 40 people are selected as "scouts" in a competitive peer review process, who then independently identify junior researchers abroad and propose them to the Foundation for sponsorship. As a result, up to 100 additional Humboldt Research Fellowships are to be awarded each year.

Website about Daniel B. Werz