wire - news in brief
Results 251 - 300 of 319.
History / Archeology - Art and Design - 02.02.2018
Two Camels and a Saint. The late antique pilgrimage center Abu Mina in Egypt
Event - History / Archeology - 23.01.2018
Montgelas Prize for TUM President
History / Archeology - 19.01.2018
European Tandem
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 19.01.2018
Reflections on China’s International Cultural Dialogue: Historical Perspectives and Their Current Significance
History / Archeology - Administration - 16.01.2018
Corpus Avesticum Berolinense
German Research Foundation Grants Initial Funding for Three Years No 004/2018 from Jan 16, 2018 The German Research Foundation (DFG) has initially approved three-year funding for a research project at Freie Universität to study texts in Avestan, an ancient Iranian language.
Religions - History / Archeology - 12.01.2018
Honorary Doctorate for Dr. Hermann Simon
History / Archeology - Linguistics / Literature - 19.12.2017
Freie Universität Berlin provides access to another important interview archive with survivors of the Holocaust
Law - History / Archeology - 21.11.2017
George Sarton Medal for Czeguhn
History / Archeology - Event - 22.09.2017
Reimar Lüst Award for Historian Mary Lindemann
Linguistics / Literature - History / Archeology - 31.08.2017
Fabrics of Time
History / Archeology - Event - 24.07.2017
Antiziganism Research Unit at Heidelberg University
A research unit to study the topic of the exclusion, discrimination and persecution of Sinti and Roma from a historical perspective took up its work at Heidelberg University.
History / Archeology - Event - 23.07.2017
International Summer and Winter University FUBiS at Freie Universität Berlin Sets New Record in Number of Participants
Architecture - History / Archeology - 31.05.2017
Prof. Winfried Nerdinger honored with Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
History / Archeology - 12.04.2017
Lecture on the Fate of Greek Holocaust Survivors
Religions - History / Archeology - 30.03.2017
Leading Talmud Scholar in Dahlem
Daniel Boyarin Wins Alexander von Humboldt Research Award for Stay at Freie Universität / Public Lecture on June 12, 2017 ' 061/2017 from Mar 30, 2017 The American Jewish studies scholar and professo
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 16.03.2017
Carl Arendt (1838’1902) and the Development of Sinology
Lecture and Exhibition Opening on March 20, 2017, at Confucius Institute at Freie Universität ' 057/2017 from Mar 16, 2017 On March 20, 2017, in a lecture at the Confucius Institute at Freie Universität Berlin, the sinologist Dr. h. c.
Religions - History / Archeology - 09.03.2017
Recognition for Isabel Toral-Niehoff
History / Archeology - 07.03.2017
Freie Universität Berlin and Heirs of German-Jewish Publisher Rudolf Mosse Collaborate in Search for Confiscated Works from Mosse’s Collection
Freie Universität Berlin and Heirs of German-Jewish Publisher Rudolf Mosse Collaborate in Search for Confiscated Works from Mosse's Collection Spokespersons announced in Berlin unprecedented public/p
Linguistics / Literature - History / Archeology - 02.03.2017
Knowledge about Ovid Crucial for Understanding Modern European Culture
Numerous Events Scheduled at Freie Universität Berlin during the 2017 Ovid Year ' 040/2017 from Mar 02, 2017 Numerous events have been scheduled to take place at Freie Universität Berlin to mark the 2000th anniversary of the death of the Roman poet Ovid.
Art and Design - History / Archeology - 28.02.2017
The Myth of documenta - Arnold Bode and his Heirs
Scholars from Freie Universität Involved in Exhibition in Beijing on History of documenta in Kassel / Opens March 1 ' 039/2017 from Feb 28, 2017 Through a partnership in China, the Institute for Arts
History / Archeology - 25.11.2016
What Was Lord Byron Doing in Greece? European Dimensions of the Greek War of Independence
Administration - History / Archeology - 27.10.2016
Two Proof of Concept Grants go to LMU
The European Research Council now supports researchers to implement innovative ideas generated in the course of a previously funded ERC project.
Religions - History / Archeology - 17.10.2016
The Heritage of the Old Kings. Ctesiphon and the Persian Sources of Islamic Art
Politics - History / Archeology - 10.10.2016
Making, Sustaining, Breaking - The Politics Of Heritage And Culture
What does cultural heritage mean today? How is it identified, who preserves it - and what forces work to destroy it? These questions will be taken up at the Annual Conference of the Cluster of Excellence 'Asia and Europe in a Global Context? of Heidelberg University, from 12 to 14 October 2016.
Event - History / Archeology - 29.09.2016
Reimar Lüst Award for International Scholarly and Cultural Exchange Goes to Historian Raanan Rein
Event - History / Archeology - 29.09.2016
319 from Sep 29, 2016 Reimar Lüst Award for International Scholarly and Cultural Exchange Goes to Historian Raanan Rein Prof. Dr. Raanan Rein from Tel Aviv University to Visit Freie Universität for Research Stay / Public lecture on October 26, 2016
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 16.09.2016
Combining History Learning and Human Rights Education
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 16.09.2016
305 from Sep 16, 2016 Combining History Learning and Human Rights Education International Symposium on September 29 and 30 at Freie Universität
History / Archeology - 14.09.2016
303 from Sep 14, 2016 Neolithic Observation of the Sky: Archaeologists at Freie Universität Explore Circular Trench Complex from the 5th Millennium BC Excavations of Cult Facility in Quedlinburg Completed
Based on excavations over a several-year period, archaeologists at Freie Universität Berlin working in cooperation with the State Office for Heritage and Archaeology in Saxony-Anhalt have concluded t
History / Archeology - 14.09.2016
Milestones of European history from an East Asian perspective
Milestones of European history such as the birth of philosophy in ancient Greece, or the industrial revolution in the 19th century, are also present in East Asia.
History / Archeology - 14.09.2016
Neolithic Observation of the Sky: Archaeologists at Freie Universität Explore Circular Trench Complex from the 5th Millennium BC
Based on excavations over a several-year period, archaeologists at Freie Universität Berlin working in cooperation with the State Office for Heritage and Archaeology in Saxony-Anhalt have concluded t
Physics - History / Archeology - 07.09.2016
"Chronoi" - New Einstein Centre for Ancient Studies to Deal with Time and Awareness of Time
Einstein Foundation Berlin Announced Support for Cross-institutional Centre as of 2018 ' 293/2016 from Sep 07, 2016 The Einstein Foundation Berlin has announced that it will be funding the first Einstein Centre devoted to the humanities as of 2018 in Berlin.
Law - History / Archeology - 18.07.2016
257 from Jul 18, 2016 Honors for Legal Scholar at Freie Universität Berlin Prof. Dr. Ignacio Czeguhn Appointed Honorary Member of the Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation of Granada, Spain
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 13.06.2016
No 207 from Jun 13, 2016 New Research Findings: Museums and Art Associations during National Socialism Public Lecture by Historian Prof. Dr. Bernd Sösemann on June 16, at Freie Universität
Public Lecture by Historian Bernd Sösemann on June 16, at Freie Universität No 207/2016 from Jun 13, 2016 On June 16, 2016, at Freie Universität Berlin, the historian Bernd Sösemann will address patronage during the Nazi dictatorship.
History / Archeology - Economics - 10.06.2016
"Euro-pathos is foreign to many in Britain"
During his visit to the UK at the end of April US President Barack Obama made one thing clear: it is in the interest of the United States, he said, for the UK to remain in the EU.
Religions - History / Archeology - 10.06.2016
No 202 from Jun 10, 2016 Diaspora - Daniel Boyarin to Hold Lecture at Freie Universität Professor of Culture of the Talmud at UC Berkeley Will Address the Topic of Diaspora on June 22 at 6 p.m. as Part of the Lecture Series on Migration
Professor of Culture of the Talmud at UC Berkeley Will Address the Topic of Diaspora on June 22 at 6 p.m. as Part of the Lecture Series on Migration No 202/2016 from Jun 10, 2016 Daniel
History / Archeology - 20.05.2016
Open day at Raitenhaslach Monastery
Termin Until today, the Prelate Building of the late-baroque Raitenhaslach Monastery in Burghausen was closed to the public.
Astronomy / Space - History / Archeology - 13.05.2016
Heidelberg Research Cooperations with Partners in Russia and the Ukraine
The Volkswagen Foundation has awarded funding in the amount of 460,000 euros to two international research projects by Heidelberg University researchers.
History / Archeology - 02.05.2016
"The extent to which a field of research needs English certainly depends on each individual subject ..."
Physicist Prof. Cornelia Denz and historian Prof. Heike Bungert exchange views on the differences in using foreign languages in Natural Sciences and the Humanities.
History / Archeology - Career - 02.05.2016
Should all courses be taught in English?
Career - History / Archeology - 03.02.2016
Dahlem Humanities Center at Freie Universität Berlin Has a New Board
Historian Paul Nolte Is the New Director A new board consisting of four humanities scholars was appointed at the Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC), Freie Universität Berlin.
History / Archeology - 18.01.2016
Public Lecture on Important Archaeological Discovery
History / Archeology - Computer Science - 12.01.2016
Virtual Research Environment for Historians and Archivists
Collaborative European Digital Archive Infrastructure Goes Online on January 15, 2016 The virtual research infrastructure that evolved out of the Collaborative European Digital Archive Infrastructure (CENDARI) project to support scholarly research will go online on January 15, 2016.
History / Archeology - 11.01.2016
New Term of International Summer and Winter University FUBiS at Freie Universität Berlin
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 17.12.2015
"The Humanities have always been pioneers to internationalization"
There is a quick, clear answer to any question about his roots: Abitur in Schweinfurt (Bavaria), then university studies, PhD and a professorship at the Universities of Erlangen, Canterbury, Cambridge and Cologne.
History / Archeology - Social Sciences - 17.12.2015
Book Series on Academic History of Freie Universität Completed
Alumnus with Student ID Number 1 and Sociologist Published Seven-volume Series The academic history of Freie Universität is presented in a series of books published by the academic publisher, V & R Unipress.
History / Archeology - 03.12.2015
Making War, Mapping Europe
Online Exhibition of Research Project Published: "Making War, Mapping Europe: Militarized Cultural Encounters, 1792-1920" Historians at Freie Universität Berlin have published their findings on military conflicts and cultural among French, British, and German soldiers from 1792 to 1920 online.
History / Archeology - 18.11.2015
Claude Lanzmann to Visit Freie Universität
International Colloquium on November 27 and 28 in Recognition of Lanzmann's Life's Work Will Mark His 90th Birthday The French documentary filmmaker Claude Lanzmann will be a guest at Freie Universität on November 27 on the occasion of a colloquium marking his 90th birthday.
History / Archeology - Economics - 09.11.2015
Korea in the Classroom
Event - History / Archeology - 06.11.2015
Stolperstein and Memorial Service for Leo Adler (1898-1939)
Berlin Native Was Victim of First Mass Deportation from the German Reich in 1938 On November 16 a stolperstein will be laid on Heinrich Heine Strasse in Kreuzberg to commemorate the fate of the Berlin furrier Leo Adler (1898-1939), who was murdered by the Nazis.