Half-time for the FIT FORTHEM project

- EN - DE

Project of the European Universities FORTHEM Alliance will continue its successful activities over the coming 18 months

More than 50 representatives of the FORTHEM partner universities recently met at
More than 50 representatives of the FORTHEM partner universities recently met at the University of Opole to discuss the future strategic planning of the FIT FORTHEM project.

The project FIT FORTHEM - Fostering Institutional Transformation of R&I Policies in European Universities - has reached the half-way mark of its funding period. The three-year project started in January 2021 and is being sponsored by the European Commission through the EU's Horizon 2020 Framework Program "Science with and for Society" to the tune of EUR 2 million. The aim is to develop strategies for the fields of research and innovation within the FORTHEM Alliance, which is coordinated by Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz (JGU). ...

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