From Both Sides Now: the Story of an Egyptian Stele

Limestone tablet decoded: double meaning combining official religion with personal piety

Image of the front of the stele (left) with sketch (right), - depicting the Anci
Image of the front of the stele (left) with sketch (right), - depicting the Ancient Egyptian gods Amun and Khonsu being approached by a royal figure. © Photo/sketch: Frank Förster/Timo Rojik
How people cope with crises has always been a fruitful field of research for the sciences. For instance, how do people from different cultures use objects to find strength and reassurance in times of need? This question lay at the heart of the indisciplinary collaborative project "SiSi," which was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and involved teams of researchers from Egyptology and the Anthropology of the Americas at the University of Bonn. In a case study on a stone tablet from the University of Bonn’s Egyptian Museum that has reliefs on both sides, Egyptologist Ludwig D. ...
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