Four ERC Grants for the University of Bonn

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EU funds projects worth millions in mathematics and physics

Four scientists from the University of Bonn receive an ERC Grant: Georg Oberdiec
Four scientists from the University of Bonn receive an ERC Grant: Georg Oberdieck, Claude Duhr, Dr. Julian Schmitt, Valentin Blomer (from left to right). © privat; Meike Böschemeyer/Uni Bonn; Benoit Grogan-Avignon, 2022; privat .

Good news for the University of Bonn: Four scientists receive a coveted grant from the European Research Council (ERC) and thus funding in the millions for the next five years. Valentin Blomer from the Institute of Mathematics receives a so-called Advanced Grant, Claude Duhr from the Institute of Physics a Consolidator Grant, Dr. Julian Schmitt from the Institute of Applied Physics and Georg Oberdieck from the Institute of Mathematics each a Starting Grant.

"Automorphic Forms and Arithmetic" (AuForA) - this is the name of the project led by mathematician Valentin Blomer. It is in the field of basic mathematical research. ...

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