Energy, water and food supplies for Rwanda

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Prathiba Devadas with "TU eMpower Africa" at TUM Sustainability Day

TUM student Prathiba Devadas (right) in Rwanda: The children of Gitaraga village
TUM student Prathiba Devadas (right) in Rwanda: The children of Gitaraga village help her take soil samples.

Prathiba Devadas is from India, recently earned her Master’s degree in "Sustainable Resource Management" at TUM and has already lost her heart to a small country in Africa. She established a sustainable development project for "TU eMpower Africa" in Rwanda.

You’ve been working for "TU eMpower Africa" on a volunteer basis since 2020. In 2021 you spent six months in Rwanda and established the project there. Tell us more...

We already had an ongoing project in Zimbabwe, but we also wanted to start again from scratch in another country in Africa. Our idea is simple: First we establish an adequate supply of electricity, for example using solar, and access to water. ...

account creation


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