Energy management: Highly intelligent homes of the future

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Franz Hagn in front of the energy-plus house in Hallbergmoos. (Photo: BMW Group)
Franz Hagn in front of the energy-plus house in Hallbergmoos. (Photo: BMW Group)
Research news

For 18 months, Prof. Franz Hagn and his family experienced for themselves what it is like to live in a house which not only produces its own energy, but also manages it intelligently. The concept of the "e-MOBILie" project also included an electric car. What the results show: On a small scale, the pilot project is a present-day implementation of the functions of a smart grid of the future.

Energetically active, flexible and with an intelligent network - these are the characteristics which an energy-plus house of the future should fulfill. Scientists at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) and the project partners BMW and SMA Solar Technology AG have developed an energy management system which aims to make this possible. ...

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