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Earth Sciences

Results 51 - 96 of 96.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 22.03.2022
ERC Grant to Study Continental Climate Change Using Cyanobacterial Tracers
ERC Grant to Study Continental Climate Change Using Cyanobacterial Tracers

Environment - Earth Sciences - 25.01.2022
Worldwide assessment of protected areas
Worldwide assessment of protected areas
Protected areas are among the most effective tools for preserving biodiversity. However, new protected areas are often created without considering existing ones. This can lead to an overrepresentation of the biophysical characteristics, such as temperature or topography, that define a certain area. A research group at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now assessed a global analysis of the scope of protection of various biophysical conditions.

Life Sciences - Earth Sciences - 17.11.2021
Window on the early evolution of terrestrial vertebrates
Window on the early evolution of terrestrial vertebrates
Researchers of the University of Jena involved in Citizen Science project on the Bromacker The Tambach sandstones are covered with thin clay skins on which ripple marks, raindrop impressions, dry cracks and many traces of worms, insects and vertebrates (so-called tracking plates) are preserved.

Earth Sciences - 25.10.2021

Environment - Earth Sciences - 29.07.2021
Urban planning: Precious resources far below the surface
Urban planning: Precious resources far below the surface
TUM geologists create 3D underground model of Munich Our cities are growing. This leads to increasing use of resources below ground, for example when building underground train systems, using geothermal heat or developing drinking water supplies.

Earth Sciences - Mechanical Engineering - 23.07.2021
Contaminated groundwater will be pumped out via wells
Contaminated groundwater will be pumped out via wells

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 05.07.2021
¤58 million for innovative satellite data applications
¤58 million for innovative satellite data applications

Earth Sciences - Environment - 22.12.2020
Research Network Opens Window into the Earth’s Interior
Each seismic wave that travels through the Earth's crust slightly changes this layer. Cutting-edge sensor technology now allows us to re-evaluate risks such as landslides or the stability of bridges and buildings.

Earth Sciences - 23.11.2020
Prof. Rainer Helmig elected "AGU Fellow 2020"

Earth Sciences - 22.10.2020
Gut-brain axis: Targets for improvement of cognition in the elderly
Gut-brain axis: Targets for improvement of cognition in the elderly
Geologists investigate the stability of the geotechnical barrier bentonite for the final disposal of nuclear waste Even after the official decision to phase out of nuclear power in Germany, one question remains unanswered: Where to store safely the nuclear waste?

Life Sciences - Earth Sciences - 03.08.2020
Window on the early evolution of terrestrial vertebrates
Window on the early evolution of terrestrial vertebrates
Researchers of the University of Jena involved in Citizen Science project on the Bromacker The Tambach sandstones are covered with thin clay skins on which ripple marks, raindrop impressions, dry cracks and many traces of worms, insects and vertebrates (so-called tracking plates) are preserved.

Earth Sciences - Chemistry - 20.07.2020
Mineral plastic foams for insulation and waterproofing
Mineral plastic foams for insulation and waterproofing
Whether thermal insulation in winter or heat protection in summer: there is an increasing demand for materials for insulation and waterproofing.

Computer Science - Earth Sciences - 12.02.2020
Increasing the visibility of ocean plastic
Increasing the visibility of ocean plastic
Date: December 2, 2020, No.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 28.01.2020
Europe honours US Earth science champion by bestowing his name on satellite

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 02.12.2019
Transregional research center examines the formation of earth
Transregional research center examines the formation of earth
A Transregional Collaborative Research Center (CRC-TRR) run by teams at Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Münster has been approved for an additional funding period by the German Research Foundation (DFG) to continue their study of how terrestrial planets formed.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 25.11.2019
Transregional Research Center Examines the Formation of Earth
The German Research Foundation funds joint Collaborative Research Center between Freie Universität Berlin and the University of Münster No 363/2019 from Nov 25, 2019 A Transregional Collaborative Res

Earth Sciences - Physics - 21.10.2019
Berlin Science Week from November 1 to 10, 2019

Earth Sciences - Life Sciences - 08.10.2019
The Earth’s Skin - Where Life Meets Stones

Environment - Earth Sciences - 17.06.2019
Climate Change in West Africa
Climate Change in West Africa
06/17/2019 A research centre in West Africa examines strategies to address the climate change. Its German partner is the University of Würzburg; the Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding the initiative with 3.7 million euros.

Earth Sciences - 01.04.2019
Making research results reproducible
Making research results reproducible
Starting in April of this year, the German Research Foundation (DFG) is supporting a joint project of the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster and the local University Library. The aim of the project "Opening Reproducible Research" (o2r) is to make research results more reproducible and scientific work more transparent.

Earth Sciences - 12.03.2019
Bernhard Eitel Re-Elected Rector of Universität Heidelberg
Bernhard Eitel Re-Elected Rector of Universität Heidelberg

Environment - Earth Sciences - 07.02.2019
How a fungus can cripple the immune system
How a fungus can cripple the immune system
Geographer coordinates new project to study land cover change in South Africa Geographers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena are coordinating a new joint research project that is studying changes in landscapes and soil conditions of South Africa.

Earth Sciences - Environment - 05.02.2019
Gaining a clear picture of land degradation and soil erosion
Gaining a clear picture of land degradation and soil erosion
Geographer coordinates new project to study land cover change in South Africa Geographers at Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) are coordinating a new joint research project that is studying changes in landscapes and soil conditions of South Africa.

Earth Sciences - 13.11.2018
International Perspectives on Learning through Research

Earth Sciences - 30.07.2018
Vote for the best pictures
Vote for the best pictures

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 01.06.2018
15 Years of Mars Express at Freie Universität Berlin
This Saturday, June 2, will mark the 15th anniversary of the launch of the European space probe Mars Express that was developed with participation by scientists based at Freie Universität Berlin.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 25.04.2018
Making the world a little bit better
Making the world a little bit better
Many students hope to be able to make a change with their knowledge - and Hannah Maral wants to make it at least a little bit better.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 23.04.2018
Trees with grassy areas soften summer heat
Trees with grassy areas soften summer heat
Research news Trees cool their environment and "heat islands" like Munich benefit from it. However, the degree of cooling depends greatly on the tree species and the local conditions.

Earth Sciences - 11.10.2017
Professor of Isotope Paleontology at Freie Universität

Environment - Earth Sciences - 02.10.2017
The 2017 EUMETSAT user conference attracts a record number of meteorologists and scientists to Rome

Earth Sciences - Environment - 27.09.2017
Preservation of floodplains is flood protection
Preservation of floodplains is flood protection
Research news The silting of rivers and streams leads to problems for fish, mussels, and other aquatic organisms because their habitats disappear.

Earth Sciences - 31.07.2017
Wettest Summer on Record in Berlin
Berliner Wetterkarte at Freie Universität: Record Set after Only Two Months No 208/2017 from Jul 31, 2017 According to calculations by the Berliner Wetterkarte association at Freie Universität Berlin

Earth Sciences - Astronomy / Space - 28.07.2017
Measuring the earth's rotational movement from the Bavarian countryside
Measuring the earth’s rotational movement from the Bavarian countryside
Research news A new ring laser will make it possible for scientists to measure the rotational movements of the earth with far greater precision and detail than in the past.

Earth Sciences - Life Sciences - 31.08.2016
A monster put in its place
A monster put in its place
An analysis of the fossil known as the Minden Monster has enabled paleontologists to assign the largest predatory dinosaur ever found in Germany to a previously unknown genus, among a group that underwent rapid diversification in the Middle Jurassic.

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 25.08.2016
Positioning exact to the millimeter
Positioning exact to the millimeter
Research news How many millimeters has the sea level risen? How fast are the continents moving? How big is the impact of high and low pressure areas on the altitude of landmasses? In order to answer t

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 10.08.2016
Interaction of Earth with supernova remnants lasting for one million years
Research news Physicists from the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have succeeded in detecting a time-resolved supernova signal in the Earth's microfossil record.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 21.06.2016
Significant humus loss in forests of the Bavarian Alps
Significant humus loss in forests of the Bavarian Alps
Research news Alpine forests will be at great risk should weather phenomena such as droughts and torrential rain become more frequent.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 13.06.2016
Environment protection, profit and safety through mosaic cultivation
Environment protection, profit and safety through mosaic cultivation
Research news How must a landscape be utilized in order to fulfil both ecological and socio-economical requirements?

Earth Sciences - 07.06.2016
Precise navigation and safe tracks
Precise navigation and safe tracks
Research news Today, 17 years after the first blasting operation took place in the main tunnel, the Gotthard Base Tunnel opened in Switzerland.

Environment - Earth Sciences - 31.03.2016
Aerosols: Risk Amplified by Climate Change?
Freie Universität Berlin and Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research Set Up Joint Visiting Professorship in Environmental Research Freie Universität Berlin and the prestigious Nether

Astronomy / Space - Earth Sciences - 14.03.2016
Gravity glasses offer a view of the Earth's interior
Gravity glasses offer a view of the Earth’s interior
How does the ice on the polar caps change? And which are the geological characteristics of the Earth's crust beneath? What is the structure of the boundary between the Earth's crust and mantle? Geoph

Earth Sciences - Environment - 11.12.2015
No Need for Sleds: Christmas Expected to Be Green, Not White
Berliner Wetterkarte at Freie Universität: Conditions in West Prevent New Cold Spell According to a forecast by the Berlin Weather Map association at Freie Universität Berlin, Christmas in Germany this year will be green.

Computer Science - Earth Sciences - 28.10.2015
A billion billion computer operations per second
A billion billion, i.e. 10 18 computer operations per second is the level of performance that the next generation of supercomputers should be able to deliver.

Earth Sciences - 13.07.2015
The Coldest War At The
The Coldest War At The "Roof Of The World"
The highest and coldest battleground in the world lies on the Siachen Glacier in Northern Kashmir, where Indian and Pakistani military outposts face off at an altitude over 6,500 metres.

Earth Sciences - History / Archeology - 25.06.2015
South Asia Institute Invites The Public to a
South Asia Institute Invites The Public to a "Nepal Day"

Administration - Earth Sciences - 05.05.2015
Subjects Taught at Freie Universität Berlin Ranked High in Latest CHE University Ranking