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Computer Science

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Computer Science - Health - 05.09.2024
Seven ERC Starting Grants for the University of Bonn
Seven ERC Starting Grants for the University of Bonn

Computer Science - Electroengineering - 29.08.2024
Digital signal processing
Digital signal processing

Innovation - Computer Science - 20.08.2024
Drones explore the potential of 6G technology for safe connected mobility
Drones explore the potential of 6G technology for safe connected mobility
A whole swarm of drones exchanging information with each other could recently be seen over the TU Ilmenau campus.

Mathematics - Computer Science - 02.08.2024
Machine Learning: Geometry Ensures more Reliable Results
Neural networks are easily disrupted by adversarial attacks. Scientists at the University of Würzburg and the Technical University of Munich are now developing new methods to make these systems more robust.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 22.07.2024
Bonn Household Robots are World Champions
Bonn Household Robots are World Champions

Computer Science - Innovation - 08.07.2024
Universität Heidelberg Establishes AI Board

Computer Science - Innovation - 01.07.2024
Artificial Intelligence from Würzburg Controls Satellites in Orbit
Artificial Intelligence from Würzburg Controls Satellites in Orbit
A team from the University of Würzburg is developing an AI-based attitude control system that will allow satellites to maneuver autonomously. The new technology will be tested in space. At the heart of the new attitude controller is an artificial intelligence that is being trained on the ground and will later be able to change the satellite's attitude in orbit on its own.

Computer Science - Physics - 27.06.2024
Algorithms for Optimal Airport Operations
Algorithms for Optimal Airport Operations
From basic research to everyday use: the Institute for Quantum Physics at Universität Hamburg and the IT provider Lufthansa Industry Solutions are jointly developing quantum algorithms to optimize operations at airports.

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 25.06.2024
Robotics Institute Germany Pools Top-Level Research
Robotics Institute Germany Pools Top-Level Research
BMBF providing ¤20 million to fund robotics in Germany-University of Bonn heavily involved Some of the country's leading centers for robotics have joined forces and set up a consortium to develop the

Health - Computer Science - 24.06.2024
Improving Gastroscopy Diagnostics With Artificial Intelligence
Improving Gastroscopy Diagnostics With Artificial Intelligence
A Czech-Bavarian research team is developing an artificial intelligence that specialises in gastroscopy.

Computer Science - 20.06.2024
From two images to a 3D object
From two images to a 3D object
New, more precise 3D reconstructions for autonomous driving and preservation of cultural artefacts Researchers at the Technical University of Munich (TUM) have succeeded in generating precise 3D reconstructions of objects using images from only two camera perspectives.

Sport - Computer Science - 14.06.2024
'Soccer is still a chaotic game'
’Soccer is still a chaotic game’

Mathematics - Computer Science - 13.06.2024
New Alexander von Humboldt Professor: Mathematician Daniel Král to join Leipzig University
New Alexander von Humboldt Professor: Mathematician Daniel Král to join Leipzig University

Campus - Computer Science - 11.06.2024
TU Ilmenau and Université de Lorraine in Nancy: New AI degree programme leads to prestigious double degree
TU Ilmenau and Université de Lorraine in Nancy: New AI degree programme leads to prestigious double degree

Computer Science - 10.06.2024
TUM commemorates Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer
TUM commemorates Prof. Friedrich L. Bauer

History / Archeology - Computer Science - 28.05.2024
International Conference on 'Commodore 64'
International Conference on ’Commodore 64’

Environment - Computer Science - 24.05.2024
ELLIS Unit Jena at the United Nations
ELLIS Unit Jena at the United Nations
Knowledge Transfer and Innovation Published: On 31 May, the two directors of the ELLIS Unit Jena, Joachim Denzler (Friedrich Schiller University Jena) and Markus Reichstein (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry), will host a workshop on " Forecasting the Future: AI in Early Warning Systems ".

Computer Science - Health - 22.05.2024
Computer science workshop for pupils at the TU Ilmenau
Computer science workshop for pupils at the TU Ilmenau

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 17.05.2024
How robots learn to make decisions
How robots learn to make decisions

Computer Science - Innovation - 14.05.2024
Two new Humboldt Professorships in the field of Artificial Intelligence
Two new Humboldt Professorships in the field of Artificial Intelligence

Computer Science - Environment - 14.05.2024
NRW Academy Welcomes Two New Members from the University of Bonn
NRW Academy Welcomes Two New Members from the University of Bonn

Computer Science - 03.05.2024
Computer Science Students Design AI Applications for Research
Computer Science Students Design AI Applications for Research
BMBF-funded BNTrAinee project transferring expertise in modern machine-learning algorithms to other fields BNTrAinee, a project on and Research (BMBF) and based at the University of Bonn, is developing AI-supported answers to specific research questions and is forging links between the University's computer science teams and all manner of other subjects.

Transport - Computer Science - 28.04.2024
Victory for TUM AI racers on Formula 1 track
Victory for TUM AI racers on Formula 1 track

Microtechnics - Computer Science - 24.04.2024
University of Bonn Household Robots Win the German Open
University of Bonn Household Robots Win the German Open
The University of Bonn's Team NimbRo was the top scoring team in the @Home league for household robots at the RoboCup German Open, held in Kassel from April 18-20.

Innovation - Computer Science - 23.04.2024
Of machines and men
Of machines and men

Computer Science - Campus - 22.04.2024
Bridging the Gap Between Computer Science and Production

Health - Computer Science - 18.04.2024
Research project: Precisely predicting allergenic pollen with AI
Research project: Precisely predicting allergenic pollen with AI

Innovation - Computer Science - 17.04.2024
Number 5 in the world among Digital Leaders
Number 5 in the world among Digital Leaders

Computer Science - 16.04.2024
Federal Funding: AI Research for Secure Software Development
Federal Funding: AI Research for Secure Software Development
A research project at the University of Würzburg (JMU) has received 137,000 euros in federal funding. The project will develop an AI early warning system to prevent errors in the development of new software. The research project is being carried out by a team led by Professor Ingo Scholtes, chair of Machine Learning for Complex Networks at the CAIDAS Centre for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science.

Research Management - Computer Science - 10.04.2024
TUM among the top 25 in engineering and natural sciences
TUM among the top 25 in engineering and natural sciences

Computer Science - Electroengineering - 08.04.2024
Ilmenau School of Green Electronics: Apply now for one of twelve full-time doctorate research fellowships!

Pedagogy - Computer Science - 04.04.2024
'AI has become established all'over the University'
’AI has become established all’over the University’

Life Sciences - Computer Science - 22.03.2024
New Emmy Noether Junior Research Group for Biological Data Science
An Emmy Noether junior research group at Heidelberg University is investigating how to gain new insights into fundamental biological mechanisms from large-scale molecular data sets.

Computer Science - Microtechnics - 19.03.2024
Girls' Day on the TU Ilmenau campus: Register now!
Girls’ Day on the TU Ilmenau campus: Register now!

Physics - Computer Science - 13.03.2024
And then there was light-in computer chips
And then there was light-in computer chips

Computer Science - 05.03.2024
Cooperation in the Tri-Border Area
Cooperation in the Tri-Border Area

Computer Science - Innovation - 21.02.2024
Neural Networks Made of Light
Researchers from the Leibniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Leibniz IPHT) and the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena, along with an international team, have developed a new technology that could significantly reduce the high energy demands of future AI systems.

Innovation - Computer Science - 20.02.2024
'The reliability of AI will play a decisive role in Germany'
’The reliability of AI will play a decisive role in Germany’

Computer Science - Innovation - 13.02.2024
TUM and Google strengthen cooperation
TUM and Google strengthen cooperation
Seven new research projects on cybersecurity and artificial intelligence The Technical University of Munich (TUM) and Google are driving forward research into cybersecurity and artificial intelligence (AI).

Computer Science - Economics - 29.01.2024
Secure data management in the cloud
Secure data management in the cloud
In an increasingly digitalized world, where vast quantities of data are stored in the cloud, the security of sensitive information is a central challenge.

Economics - Computer Science - 18.01.2024
ERC Proof of Concept Grant für Ökonom der Uni Bonn
ERC Proof of Concept Grant für Ökonom der Uni Bonn

Computer Science - Transport - 15.01.2024
TUM wins again at the Indy Autonomous Challenge in the USA
TUM wins again at the Indy Autonomous Challenge in the USA
Racing car with artificial intelligence wins in Las Vegas Victory in Las Vegas for the TUM Autonomous Motorsport Team! Once again, the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has proven that autonomous driving can also work successfully on the race track at top speeds.

Astronomy / Space - Computer Science - 09.01.2024
European Supercomputer Aids Heidelberg Astrophysics
Heidelberg researchers receive computing time for simulating the behaviour of cosmic gases and plasmas during star formation A Swiss-German research team hopes to unlock the secrets of star formation

Computer Science - Music - 22.12.2023
Of Note Events and Neural Networks
Of Note Events and Neural Networks
A research group at the University of Würzburg develops fundamental methods for analyzing music with the help of machine learning. The project is led by Professor Christof Weiß at CAIDAS. In his role as Professor of Computer Science (Computational Humanities) at Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg (JMU), Christof Weiß combines two apparently very different subject areas: Mathematics and computer science meet art and culture in his work.

Media - Computer Science - 19.12.2023
How disinformation is changing society?
How disinformation is changing society?

Computer Science - Innovation - 06.12.2023
TUM participates in global, open-source AI Alliance
TUM participates in global, open-source AI Alliance

Computer Science - Research Management - 24.11.2023
Project Funding: Innovative Software for Modern Research
DFG makes finance available for three projects on quality assurance of research software The continuing development and long-term quality assurance of research software is the priority of three projects at Heidelberg University that were successful in a call by the German Research Foundation (DFG).

Computer Science - 24.11.2023
Coding competition for the most creative solutions
Coding competition for the most creative solutions

Physics - Computer Science - 23.11.2023
¤2.7 million for Superconducting 'Miracle'
¤2.7 million for Superconducting ’Miracle’
Physicist Elena Hassinger has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant for her research on superconductors.

Physics - Computer Science - 17.11.2023
Quantum internet: 'The biggest problem is data loss'
Quantum internet: ’The biggest problem is data loss’
Interview with quantum physicist Prof. Andreas Reiserer Researchers around the world are working on a network which could connect quantum computers with one another over long distances.
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