Big data in geochemistry for international research

Geochemistry describes how our planet was formed and has evolved, as well as the
Geochemistry describes how our planet was formed and has evolved, as well as the processes and systems that transport matter and energy around the Earth. Photo: Gerhard Wörner
Largest database for chemical analyses of rocks and minerals now hosted at Göttingen University

Geochemistry was established as one of the central pillars of the geosciences by Victor Moritz Goldschmidt in Göttingen. It describes the formation and evolution of our planet, as well as the mass transport processes within the Earth systems. Applications of geochemistry include resource and environmental research. Large data sets are playing an increasingly important role in solving scientific questions in geochemistry. Now the University of Göttingen has inherited GEOROC, the largest geochemical database for rocks and minerals from the Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (Mainz). ...
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