A Magical Handbook for the Afterlife

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This small part from a fragment of a Book of the Dead from the Martin von Wagner
This small part from a fragment of a Book of the Dead from the Martin von Wagner Museum’s holdings adorns the cover of the new handbook. (Image: Christina Kiefer)
The Egyptian Book of the Dead provides unique insights into the religious life of ancient Egypt. A new handbook presents the current state of research. Co-editor is the Würzburg Egyptologist Martin Andreas Stadler.

The path to "paradise" is open to people who have led a pious life free of sins. With a clear conscience, they can recite the "negative confession of sins" after their death before 42 judges of the dead: 42 times they negate having committed 42 different sins such as murder, theft, adultery, cultic impurity.

Anubis, the god of embalming, then weighs their heart. If the heart is as light as a feather on the other side of the scale, the dead person may live forever. A sinful person’s destiny is quite different. ...
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