Social Sciences
Results 61 - 80 of 106.
Social Sciences - Health - 31.05.2022

If expectant mothers are exposed to stress their child can develop behavioural problems - but this is less often the case for children with siblings During the first years of their lives, children develop the cognitive, social and emotional skills that will provide the foundations for their lifelong health and achievements.
Agronomy / Food Science - Social Sciences - 10.05.2022

More variety in the fields is not necessarily the best strategy, a recent study shows Malnutrition in developing countries is best addressed not by increasing the variety of crops grown on smallholder farms, but by improving access to markets. This is the conclusion of a recent study by the MwAPATA Institute in Malawi and the University of Bonn in Germany.
Social Sciences - Health - 07.04.2022

Just seven grams over daily protein intake recommendation can increase height by one centimeter Quite a few young men would like to increase their height. However, a study by nutritionists at the University of Bonn shows that they do not benefit from increased protein intake in terms of their adult height.
Health - Social Sciences - 07.04.2022
Physical intimacy among older couples
A study by Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and international collaborators reveals: physical intimacy and well-being in old age are closely linked Kissing, touching, or cuddling - older couples who report more physical intimacy in their everyday lives also display better well-being. Yet, men and women experience this differently, and thus experiencing physical intimacy relates to their stress hormone levels in a different way.
Environment - Social Sciences - 03.03.2022
’The impacts of climate change depend on the vulnerability and adaptability of societies’
Prof. Jörn Birkmann from the University of Stuttgart is a co-author of the latest report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Picture:] Extreme weather events resulting from climate change will become more frequent and more severe, but the impacts will affect societies very differently, depending on their respective vulnerability and adaptability: This is one of the findings of the 6th Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which was presented at the Federal Press Conference on February 28, 2022.
Health - Social Sciences - 14.02.2022
Early detection of type 1 diabetes in children
It only takes a blood test to detect the autoimmune disease type 1 diabetes in children at an early stage and, thus, prevent severe metabolic derailments. A research team from Helmholtz Munich and the Technical University of Munich (TUM) has now calculated that introducing screening into standard care would probably cost the health care system in Germany just 22 euros per child examined.
Environment - Social Sciences - 08.02.2022
International land use scientists urge policymakers to adopt new approaches to addressing climate change, biodiversity and other global crises
New study IDs "10 Facts" about global land use and details opportunities for a more sustainable and equitable approach A new report released today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS) is a call to action for policymakers worldwide seeking to develop sustainable and equitable solutions to our most urgent global challenges.
Social Sciences - 07.02.2022

International research team investigates impact of lockdown measures on 8- to 36-month-old infants across 13 countries An international consortium with researchers from 13 countries has investigated the impact of Covid-19 related social isolation measures on 2,200 young infants and toddlers between 8 and 36 months of age.
Social Sciences - 20.12.2021
How populists’ election results lead to far-right demonstrations
In liberal-leaning municipalities, there is an increased probability of far-right demonstrations in the wake of unexpectedly strong election results by right-wing populists. This is one of the insights from an investigation based on electoral results of the AfD party in Germany. The study reveals a surprise effect on the part of people who previously believed that their attitudes were less socially acceptable.
Social Sciences - Health - 11.11.2021
COVID-19 leads to a decrease in prosocial behaviour among disadvantaged adolescents
If a family member falls ill with COVID-19, this has a particularly negative effect on young people from an economically disadvantaged and less educated background. These adolescents not only fall behind in school, their non-cognitive abilities also suffer: they are less prosocial than before. This means that they behave less generously, altruistically, and cooperatively.
Social Sciences - Health - 30.06.2021
Modernization makes older adults feel rushed, too
New international study on time perception among older adults Rapid societal changes can leave us feeling more rushed and pressured for time - and older adults are no exception, new research finds, led by Weill Cornell Medicine with participation of researchers of Humboldt University.
Agronomy / Food Science - Social Sciences - 14.05.2021
New Study Indicates Significant Increase in Food and Nutrition Insecurity in Brazil
Researchers from Freie Universität Berlin are investigating the pressing issue of food inequalities No 089/2021 from May 14, 2021 According to a study conducted by researchers at Freie Universität Berlin in cooperation with Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais and Universidade de Brasília, as many as six out of ten households in Brazil are currently at risk of food and nutrition insecurity.
Social Sciences - 23.03.2021

International research team including Göttingen University investigates babies- preference for type of speech and language A unique study of hundreds of babies across four continents shows that all babies respond more to infant-directed speech - baby talk - than they do to the type of speech directed at an adult.
Earth Sciences - Social Sciences - 17.02.2021
Global Mapping Projects aid Humanitarian Organisations
In recent years, free digital world maps like OpenStreetMap (OSM) have become a vital instrument to support humanitarian missions over the entire world. In disaster management as well as the implementation of the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs), geodata compiled by the volunteer mapper community open up new possibilities to coordinate aid interventions and carry out sustainability projects.
Environment - Social Sciences - 16.12.2020
Gender equality crucial to address climate change
A new study published today highlights the importance of overcoming gender inequality for climate change adaptation and explores future pathways of gender equality for sustainable development Vulnerability to the impacts of climate change differs on a wide range of factors including socio-economic status, education, ethnicity and gender.
Social Sciences - 25.11.2020
The smell of cooperation
Research team with the University of Göttingen finds effect of odour on helpfulness in rats Despite their reputation, rats are surprisingly sociable and actually regularly help each other out with tasks. Researchers at the Universities of Göttingen, Bern and St Andrews have now shown that a rat just has to smell the scent of another rat that is engaged in helpful behaviour to increase his or her own helpfulness.
Social Sciences - Environment - 19.10.2020
High social and ecological standards for chocolate
Research team including agroecologists from Göttingen University study conditions in Peruvian cocoa agroforestry systems Worldwide demand for food from the tropics that meets higher environmental and social standards has risen sharply in recent years. Consumers often have to make ethically questionable decisions: products may be available to the global market through child labour, starvation wages or environmental destruction.
Social Sciences - Law - 28.09.2020
Understanding What Holds Societies Together
Berlin University Alliance funds six groundbreaking projects in the Social Cohesion funding line of its Grand Challenge Initiatives No 170/2020 from Sep 28, 2020 Social cohesion is a global challenge. Understanding social transformations is a key to successful coexistence in a complex, heterogeneous world.
Social Sciences - 04.09.2020
Five years later: the Balkan route of 2015 was an exception
Research report led by Göttingen University reconstructs the Balkan route based on the experience of 500 refugees The research report -Border Experiences and Practices of Refugees - by the EU project -Multi-level Governance of Mass Migration in Europe and beyond ( RESPOND) - provides a unique documentation of the experiences of refugee-migrants with the borders of Europe.
Linguistics / Literature - Social Sciences - 25.08.2020
Advantage in Theater for Men with Migration Background and Transgender People
Researchers at Freie Universität Berlin investigated structures of discrimination and privileges in the theater No 144/2020 from Aug 25, 2020 A study by researchers at Freie Universität has surprisingly shown that men with a migration background and people with a nonbinary gender identity experience a slight advantage over other male applicants in the field of theater.