

Social Sciences

Results 101 - 106 of 106.

Life Sciences - Social Sciences - 07.03.2016
Talk about Yourself on Social Media?
New Study Published by Scientists at Freie Universität and the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences Reveals Brain Network for Sharing Self-related Information on Facebook A network of brain regions involved in self-disclosure on Facebook has been determined, according to a new study published in the open-access journal  Scientific Reports .

Social Sciences - 29.02.2016
Friendship wins out over fairness
When children decide to share, the giver's relationships with the pool of recipients determine who gets how much. They will give more to a wealthy friend than to a needy stranger - at least in cases where wealth is measured in stickers. Even young children share things with others. In numerous studies, child psychologists have sought to identify the factors that motivate children's sharing decisions, and determine how their sharing behavior changes as they get older.

Social Sciences - 15.02.2016
Compilation of Repository for Gender Research
German Research Foundation Grants Funds Totaling 500,000 Euros The German Research Foundation has allocated 500,000 euros over a two-year period for a cooperation project of Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, and Technische Universität Berlin. The newly founded Margherita von Brentano Center at Freie Universität will have the main responsibility.

Social Sciences - 14.09.2015
Precarization Processes in an International Comparison
Public Workshop on October 8 and 9, 2015, at Freie Universität Berlin Precarization processes in labor and labor markets in Latin America and southern Europe are the focus of an international workshop to be held on October 8 and 9, 2015, at the Institute for Latin American Studies, Freie Universität.

Social Sciences - Administration - 23.07.2015
Dr. Patricia Kanngießer Receives Freigeist Fellowship from the Volkswagen Foundation
Five-year Funding for Research on Social Norms Psychologist Dr. Patricia Kanngießer has been granted funding amounting to 561,500 euros from the Volkswagen Foundation for her research on social norms. An international panel of experts chose her project, "Navigating the social world - A cross-cultural and developmental perspective on social norms," in which she examines the influence of the cultural environment on social norms.

Social Sciences - Life Sciences - 09.06.2015
Global collapse in huge songbird population
Global collapse in huge songbird population
With its canary-yellow colouring, the yellow-breasted bunting - about the size of a sparrow - is one of the more striking species of songbirds. Until a few years ago it was one of the commonest birds found in northern Europe and Asia. Since then, however, ornithologists have recorded sharp declines in many regions.